Sainsbury’s has committed to sourcing 100% British lamb by 1st July 2016.
The multiple retailer has said it is currently working with its farmers to increase the availability of new season lamb on its shelves until it is all British.
Sainsbury’s said in a statement: “The lamb season can vary from year to year, however by having a strong relationship with our sheep farmers we can work with them to make the most of the British lamb season to the quality that our customers expect.”
Currently the lamb on over 400 of Sainsbury’s meat counters, as well as its chilled Taste the Difference and organic ranges is 100% British all year around.
Sainsbury’s also says it focuses on maintaining 100% British sourced lamb during the main season across its chilled range, including chops, joints and mince.
Philip Hambling, agriculture manager at Sainsbury’s, said: “The weather can have a big impact on our sheep farmers so the cool, wet spring we have had means many of these farms have had a difficult start to the year. We never stop buying British lamb and we’re pleased to confirm 100% of the lamb we source will be British by the beginning of July, if not sooner. We feel it’s important to make this commitment to our farmers in advance so they can plan for the season ahead.”
Henry Dunn, a Sainsbury’s sheep farmer from Newent, Gloucestershire added: “I’ve worked closely with Sainsbury’s for over 10 years, I think they really understand the impact the weather has had on us and the importance of switching at the right time. By making this commitment up front means we have confidence in the coming months.”
Last year Sainsbury’s extended the end of its British lamb season until the New Year, making it five weeks longer than the previous year (2014/15).
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.