Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has launched a new ‘Scotch Lamb, Naturally’ campaign to inspire and encourage consumers in Scotland to seek out lamb as a tasty, quick and simple meal.

The nine-week long campaign started on 27th August, and for the first time includes television advertising as part of the promotional mix.

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Some of the many Scotch Lamb Champions who will be supporting the 2018 Scotch Lamb campaign.

Is runs alongside billboard, press, digital, social media and radio advertising.

The TV advertising will run for the entire month of October as part of the major drive behind Scotch Lamb PGI, partly financed by the £200,000 support from the Scottish Government recently announced by the First Minister.

The new campaign highlights what sets Scotch Lamb PGI apart as well as its versatility and simplicity as a cooking ingredient and is set to reach 4.2 million consumers during September and October.

Alan Clarke, chief executive of QMS, commented: “Our 2018 Scotch Lamb campaign has been developed following a restructure at QMS, which saw the successful amalgamation of our marketing and communications teams

“As a result we have developed a fully integrated PR and marketing campaign.”

The campaign was developed following consumer research which included more than 14,000 minutes of focus group work across Scotland.

This was to gain a clear insight into consumer perception of the Scotch Lamb brand and lamb in general.

“The results of this, and other research, gave us a very clear picture of what would resonate most strongly with our target audience and the messages we needed to get to them,” said Carol McLaren, QMS director of marketing and communications.

“What was very clear was that consumers care about the ethics behind lamb production, including animal welfare, and that supporting local farmers and economies is also important to them.”

Average consumption of lamb in Scotland, the focus of the 2018 campaign, is only half of what it is for the UK as a whole.

The target audiences identified for the new campaign are ‘high-level’ viewers of live television.

Sheep farmers, including members of the National Sheep Association and NFU Scotland, will also be taking part in PR activities including media interviews and lamb sampling in retailers, during the campaign.

Scotch Butchers Club members who serve lamb will receive point of sale kits featuring the ‘Scotch Lamb, Naturally’ creative and recipes from six “hero” lamb dishes.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.