The Co-op has launched a new 100% Scottish Ayrshire-style bacon made from Specially Selected Pork as part of its commitment to switch all its fresh bacon and lamb to 100% British, from 1st May 2017.


The bacon, which is produced under the retailer’s own Irresistible brand, will bear the Specially Selected Pork approved by the Scottish SPCA label to highlight the high welfare standard of pigs on Scottish farms. It will be available to buy in 60 Co-op stores across the country.

In addition, four existing Co-op Irresistible bacon products will now be produced entirely from Specially Selected Pork and will be available in 347 stores nationwide.

Ben Grant, the Co-op’s chilled goods buyer, said: “We know that Scottish customers want to eat Scottish produce so we’re delighted to be able to launch this new range of Ayrshire bacon which consumers can enjoy, knowing it has been made exclusively from Scottish-reared pork.

“Being able to swap our existing bacon products to 100% Scottish pork provides further evidence of our commitment to supporting the nation’s farmers and gives shoppers another opportunity to buy home-grown products.”

John Armour, NFU Scotland’s food chains policy manager, added: “NFU Scotland continues to challenge all retailers to identify ways they can support the Scottish farming sector and give their customers the chance to buy clearly labelled Scottish produce from their shelves.

“This announcement, as part of the Co-op’s overall plan to source 100% home-produced bacon and lamb from May 2017, is another positive commitment to our industry. Our wider strategy of engagement with all retailers is gaining real traction and this Co-op deal build on other recent success stories in getting more Scottish-labelled beef, lamb and pork into more and more Scottish stores.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
