The European Commission has agreed to give additional funding of €169 million to promote EU agricultural products throughout the world, including sectorial funding towards programmes to promote consumption for sheep and goats.

The commission has budgeted €2 million for promotions and information campaigns increasing consumption of goat and sheep meat by highlighting the sustainable aspect of their production and to try “to counter the impact of the ongoing difficulties the market is experiencing”.

A scope of work document notes: “The sheep/goat meat sector is a very fragile sector: sheep/goat meat consumption is declining.

“The objective is to highlight the sustainable aspect of sheep/goat sector, which counts as the most extensive livestock production system and plays an important role in nature protection and keeping biodiversity.”

Phil Hogan.

Phil Hogan.

The whole EU agri-food investment will promote products in Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Australia and New Zealand.

For programmes within the EU, the focus is expected to be on informing consumers about the various EU quality schemes and labels, such as geographical indications.

Phil Hogan, commissioner for agriculture and rural development, commented: “The EU is the world's largest trader of agri-food products and the best address in the world for high-quality food.

“I welcome these new promotion programmes which have in the past successfully opened the doors to new applicants and increased our visibility across the world.

“Last year, bids for agri-food promotion programmes exceeded the available budget by close to ten times.”

The commission has outlined that a “wide range of organisations, such as trade organisations, producer organisations and agri-food bodies responsible for promotion activities are eligible to apply”.

Proposals should be submitted by 12th April via the dedicated portal.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.