The sheep industry is being urged to come together to promote home-produced lamb during Love Lamb Week 2016, which takes place from 1st to 7th September.

The week, which is being supported by AHDB Beef and Lamb and the National Sheep Association (NSA), is being used as an opportunity to encourage consumers to cook with lamb and recognise its versatility.

Love Lamb Week

Love Lamb Week will take place from 1st to 7th September.

The campaign will also look to create opportunities for the whole supply chain to get involved and stimulate demand for home-produced lamb when production is at its peak.

AHDB Beef and Lamb sector strategy director Laura Ryan commented: “Love Lamb Week is an excellent grass-roots campaign which really gives the industry something to get behind in order to promote home-produced lamb.

“By working together with the NSA, we aim to build on the success of last year and make Love Lamb Week 2016 even more engaging.”

Love Lamb Week will also mark the start of AHDB’s lamb keema campaign, which will involve PR and social media activity as well as on-pack labelling. The campaign aims to introduce consumers to lamb mince in the form of versatile and tasty keema as an easy, low-cost route in to eating lamb. It is hoped that from this consumers will be encouraged to begin using higher-value lamb cuts.

“The tie-in with our keema activity will really help amplify the impact of Love Lamb Week and ensure that we get our messages out to as many consumers as possible,” Ryan said.

NSA chief executive Phil Stocker added: “Love Lamb Week is a fantastic initiative to increase positive interest in sheep farming and encourage consumption of lamb.

“The NSA will be very active over the coming weeks in encouraging farmers to get involved by hosting or supporting events in their area, and to spread the message on social media. We are delighted to be taking this leading role in supporting co-ordinated activity.

“Love Lamb Week will not only be an opportunity to highlight much of the existing lamb promotional activity, but also provide an ideal platform to bring farmers, businesses and consumers together in raising the profile of British lamb during its peak season.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
