President-elect Donald Trump has promised a quick trade deal between the US and the UK following his inauguration this Friday.

Donald Trump August 19 2015

Speaking about a potential US-UK trade deal in an interview to The Times and German newspaper, Bild, Trump said: “We’re gonna [sic] work very hard to get it done quickly and done properly. Good for both sides.”

In the interview Trump revealed that a meeting between himself and Theresa May would take place “right after I get into the White House” and Michael Gove, who was speaking to the president-elect on behalf of The Times, has since told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that Trump is looking for a trade deal “signature-ready at the earliest possible opportunity”.

The news may offer promise for the meat industry in light of Brexit and Theresa May’s speech scheduled for Tuesday 17th January, which is expected to give the most detailed insight so far into her Brexit plans.

Reports in the media have suggested that the Prime Minister will set out plans for a ‘hard Brexit’ with the UK pulling out of the single market and the European customs union. Downing Street has described these comments as ‘speculation’, however.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.