The latest Meatup Blog will give readers planning to visit the show on 30th June-1st July a taste of some of the wide ranging topics covered on its seminar programme.

In her latest blog, Jaquie Finn provides 6 reasons to stop using pen and paper food safety records: "The majority of food businesses still collect food safety records using pen and paper, which can be a time-consuming process and is far from infallible. There have been a number of examples of business having their food hygiene rating slashed from a score of 5 to 1, purely on the basis of missing paperwork."

In his Food Science & Technology Show blog Meat Management columnist, Rob Smith gives Three Cheers for General Elections: "The challenge is to build on the political interest in the sector after the 7th May."

The show blogs will be updated with industry and expert opinions around hot topics as the countdown to the events begin.

Follow Meatup on Twitter to receive regular updates on the blogs, seminar programmes and industry competitions.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.