AHDB Beef and Lamb has teamed up with specialist barbecue chef Richard Holden to release a series of cooking demonstration videos, helping butchers capitalise on the barbecue cooking trend.

The videos offer practical advice and tips such as getting the right temperature for different cuts of beef, lamb and pork, through to essential barbecuing equipment.

Mike Richardson, AHDB Beef and Lamb’s independent retail sector manager, said: “Here in the UK we are barbecuing more than ever. The average number of barbecues hosted by families each year has more than trebled over the last 10 years.

Beef steaks cooking in open flame on barbecue grill

AHDB sees barbecues as having huge potential for the retail butcher.

“The rising popularity presents a huge opportunity for butchers, who can utilise these videos by showing their customers how to get the best out of their meat.”

In 2013 the UK barbecue market was worth more than £7 billion, up from £150 million in 1997.

To watch the new barbecue videos click here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.