Headed up by meat and food expert Keith Fisher, the chief executive of the IoM, product judging for this year’s FMT Food Industry Awards is underway and has started the process of evaluating products for this year’s Food Awards judging at Harper Adams University.


Product judging is now in full swing for the 2022 FMT Food Industry Awards.

Keith Fisher commented: “Last year it was very frustrating to see these arrangements postponed and delayed due to the pandemic, but with the impact of Covid apparently in retreat we are now getting down to business as usual and I must say that when looking at the range and diversity of products, and the companies and top brands that have entered, we have a very interesting and exciting few days in prospect.”

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The annual FMT Food Industry Awards feature a range of meat and poultry categories for product entry as well as various key industry sectors, including dairy, fish and baking. Voting for various other categories including the prestigious Food Industry Champion has also taken place on a substantial scale this year.

The team of home economists responsible for cooking and preparing entries prior to judging are reporting that the standard they are dealing with is very high. With a wide range of entries, the judges will have a big job over the coming days.

Sharon Yandell, the lead organiser for the FMT Food Industry Awards, concluded: “It is such a pleasure to receive a brilliant selection of products from so many leading companies and it’s wonderful to be staging the judging again this week. I am sure we will have some great winners and finalists to announce at the ceremony taking place at the Royal Lancaster Hotel, London on 25th May."

The official 2022 partners:

FMT awards sponsor logos 2022

Event date is subject to ongoing government rulings on public assembly and therefore the organisers reserve the right to make appropriate changes if required affecting the date or venue at their absolute discretion.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.