After three years at the helm, Liam Stokes is to step down as CEO of British Game Assurance. Louisa Clutterbuck will be his successor.

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Liam Stokes is to step down from his role as CEO of British Game Assurance.

Commenting on his departure Stokes said: "After three years running this vital organisation, I am moving on and leaving the future in the hands of passionate and dedicated people.

"British Game Assurance stands for a vision of game shooting that anyone can support: shooting that can prove it abides by best practice and thereby delivers the conservation of which it is capable.

"That potential can only be realised with a living link between the work of gamekeepers and the life of the British people, a link best built around the dinner table. Food is what connects even the most urban individual back to the land, and so game meat is how we bring the public and the shooting community together. It is a meal we share, and in sharing a meal, we become friends. Shooting could use friends right now.

"The campaigns against shooting amplify any failure and any wrong doing to the point that no one outside this world is going “to take our word for it”. No one is going to believe that any one part of the shooting industry has enough independence to decide who is doing the right thing and who is not.

"The only answer is independent assurance, delivered by an accredited certification body, and that is what we have been working to deliver during my time in charge of BGA. I am proud of what we have achieved, I am proud of the BGA logo in supermarkets, I am proud MPs and Peers have saluted our work in both Houses of Parliament, I am proud we got game into the NHS.

"But moreover I am proud that this work will continue, in the creative, dedicated hands of Louisa Clutterbuck. Louisa has given more years and more effort and enthusiasm to BGA than anyone. She will safeguard the work of both assurance and the promotion of game, to protect the future of shooting."

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.