The Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust (NFST) awarded its 1000th scholarship at the 2019 Nuffield Farming Conference, held at the Chesford Grange Hotel in Warwickshire.

2020 Nuffield Farming Scholars with HRH The Duke of Gloucester and Nuffield Chairman Helen Woolley copy

HRH The Duke of Gloucester and NFST chairman Helen Woolley with the 2020 NFST Scholars.

The 1000th scholarship was amongst those presented to the 2020 NFST Scholars who received their awards from HRH The Duke of Gloucester, the charity’s patron.

“Since 1947 the NFST Scholars have travelled the world learning about new ideas and technologies that can take our industry forward,” said Helen Woolley, chairman NFST. “We have awarded our 1000th Scholarship and those individuals have benefited our industry in multiple ways, leading within their own businesses, and in roles across industry and politics. They have met face-on the challenges in agriculture over the past 70 years and I know they will rise to the challenge of the next 70.

“2020 is officially our ‘Year of the 1000th Scholar’, and we look forward to celebrating it at a series of events and activities in the coming year,” she concluded.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.