All News articles – Page 110

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    Butchers, burgers and sausage sales soar


    According to the latest Kantar data, traditional barbecue meat sales surged during lockdown as people took advantage of the persistent dry weather and independent retailers benefitted from an extra 300,000 shoppers.Butchers have seen increased footfall over lockdown. (Pic: Joseph Morris Butchers).Burgers (up 51.6%) and sausages (up 47.4%) have registered huge ...

  • Pigs In Blankets

    Scottish Pig producers benefit from firm prices


    Scottish pig producers continue to benefit from firm farmgate prices around 10% higher than a year ago, according to the latest market commentary by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Retail demand for sausages and bacon has remained firm.Producer prices have also been remarkably stable throughout 2020. However, this firmness in the domestic ...

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    New Scotch beef recipes for Father's Day


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has revealed three new recipes ahead of Father’s Day (21st June) including a barbecue, a fancy steak dinner or a more traditional home comfort.Scotch Beef Burger with Cheese, Crisp Bacon and Onions, the Perfect Scotch Beef Ribeye Steak and Dad’s Scotch Steak and Ale Pie can ...

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    JBS reveals impact of $368 million investment in global sustainability initiatives in 2019


    JBS, the largest animal protein company and second-largest food company in the world has revealed that in 2019 it invested R$1.90 billion (USD$368m) on global sustainability-related initiatives.JBS Sustainability Report 2019.The figure was revealed as part of its 2019 Annual and Sustainability Report which covers the company’s activities and performance for ...

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    CIEH urges Government to stick to food standards promises


    The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is the latest organisation to urge the Government to keep its word on maintaining the UK’s high food standards.Organisations across the food industry have called on the Government to prevent food being imported into the UK at a standard that would be illegal ...

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    Nominations for Women In Meat Industry Awards gathers pace


    Readers of Meat Management magazine and members of the UK meat industry have been sending in their nominations for the upcoming Women in Meat Industry Awards 2020.Celebrity host, Katie Derham (left) with the Meat Businesswoman Trade Body Award for 2019, Elwen Roberts of Hybu Cig Cymru - Meat Promotion ...

  • LMC Industry Development Manager Colin Smith 1

    Majority of NI adults continue to enjoy red meat


    An omnibus survey completed on behalf of the Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC) has shown that since reporting last year, the vast majority of local consumers still continue to eat beef and lamb.LMC's industry development manager, Colin Smith.Out of a representative sample of 1,044 respondents, 90% said ...

  • Phil Stocker Chief Exec NSA

    NSA calls for action on abattoirs


    Whilst the National Sheep Association (NSA) says it welcomed several recommendations made in the recent report ‘The Future for Small Abattoirs in the UK,' it is saddened by the news that a further 12 small/low throughput abattoirs have been lost during the two-year period the report took to produce.Phil Stocker, ...

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    Meat Contacts 2020 flash sale now live


    The 2020 edition of Meat Contacts is now available from just £10, down from the usual price of £35.The 352-page issue, from the publishers of Meat Management magazine, contains information on the whole of the meat industry, including manufacturers, wholesalers, slaughterhouses, retail and catering butchers, packaging, ingredients and equipment and ...

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    Small abattoirs have a big part to play in animal welfare, says HSA


    The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) says the report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare highlights the decline of licensed abattoirs in the UK since the 1930s and the subsequent impact on animal welfare.The HSA was one of the stakeholders taking part in the inquiry, providing its input and ...

  • Kate Rowell

    Quality assured Scotch brands must be protected in post-Brexit deals


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) chair, Kate Rowell, says It is essential that the Scottish red meat industry is provided with concrete assurances that its brands will not be undercut by imported products produced to lower welfare and environmental standards post-Brexit.Quality Meat Scotland chair, Kate Rowell.Rowell said: “Scotland pioneered the way ...

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    Calls to safeguard Scottish red meat standards as trade talks progress


    Scottish red meat production, processing and retailing must be fully protected against any health, welfare and environmental compromises linked to future trade deals, according to the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).SAMW president, Andy McGowan.SAMW president, Andy McGowan, said: “Our industry, from farm to plate, has worked extremely hard in ...

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    Unions call for support to protect food standards post-Brexit


    The National Farmers Union (NFU) has called for public support for domestic food production as concern continues to grow around food imports to the UK post-Brexit.NFY says with UK trade negotiations with the EU and the United States ongoing and the future of the Agriculture Bill set to be debated ...

  • Loretta ORourke

    Moy Park appoints new head of technical, fresh poultry


    Moy Park has announced the appointment of Loretta O’Rourke as its new head of technical, fresh poultry.Loretta O’Rourke, head of technical, fresh poultry at Moy Park.O’Rourke will be responsible for ensuring technical standards are met through compliance with company, legal and customer standards, as well as providing technical expertise and ...

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    BDCI’s Festival Dinner 2020 cancelled


    The Butchers’ and Drovers Charitable Institution (BDCI) has cancelled its annual Festival Chairman's Dinner for 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.In a statement, the organisation said: “The Trustees of the BDCI have been keeping a watching brief on the development and progress of the Covid-19 pandemic and has sadly ...

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    Asia offers opportunities for UK red meat exports


    Coronavirus has significantly impacted global trade but there remains a myriad of opportunities for UK red meat exports in the Asian marketplace, according to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board's (AHDB) first export webinar.AHDB’s head of Asia Pacific, Jonathan Eckley.During the webinar, around 180 delegates were told that while the ...

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    Report calling for changes to small abattoirs welcomed by sector


    The Sustainable Food Trust, along with the Campaign for Local Abattoirs and National Craft Butchers have welcomed a report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare (APGAW) which recognises small abattoirs as an essential link in the farm-to-fork chain for local meat and a crucial part of the UK’s ...

  • Lady Claire Macdonald

    QMS launches virtual presence at the Royal Highland Show


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) will highlight the Scottish red meat industry and its brands through social channels across the country as it brings the Royal Highland Show online.Lady Claire Macdonald will showcase Scottish meat in cook-alongs as part of the virtual Royal Highland Show.The activities, which will run on the ...

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    Former Morrisons director appointed CEO of Royal Warrant butcher


    Mike Hoban, the former marketing director for Morrisons, has been announced as the new CEO for Royal Warrant holding butcher, Donald Russell.New CEO of Donald Russell, Mike Hoban.Hoban joins the Scottish butcher following a number of senior roles at British Airways,, Scottish Widows and most recently Morrisons.George Vestey, CEO ...

  • Cattle and Sheep

    QMS launches new Sustainable Red Meat Action Groups


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has launched a series of new 'Sustainable Red Meat Action Groups' aimed at livestock farmers who are keen to understand the relationship between carbon, meat production and profit.Pasture-based livestock production will be at the core of these new groups along with benchmarking farm performance and carbon ...