All News articles – Page 153

  • HCC19002 New Year Brings New Markets for Welsh Meat

    New markets for Welsh meat


    The news that Japan is to lift its old restrictions on importing beef and lamb from the UK is set to provide a significant boost to the Welsh red meat sector in developing export markets outside the EU.Lesley Griffiths AM and Shane Williams join to promote Welsh Lamb at last ...

  • Emily Ansell Elfer

    Meat Management editor steps down


    Yandell Media Group has confirmed that Emily Ansell Elfer, who has been editor of the Meat Management and Food Management Today magazines and supporting websites for just over three years, is to leave her position on 1st February.Emily Ansell Elfer is to leave Yandell Media Group next month.Emily said: “I ...

  • iStock Hanging Carcase Carcasses

    Flanders bans ritual animal slaughter


    The Flanders region of Belgium has banned Halal and Kosher animal slaughter, with the law being put into place on New Year’s Day 2019.Ritual animal slaughter has now been banned in Flanders.Despite apparent outcries from leaders in the Jewish and Muslim communities, ritual animal slaughter has now been banned in ...

  • conference

    ‘Local abattoirs should be recognised as a public good’


    Without small abattoirs the UK would not have local and traceable meat production. This is the message that experts at the recent Oxford Farming Conference asserted to delegates.Delegates at the Oxford Farming Conference. Photo credit: Oxford Farming Conference.Speaking at last week’s conference, the experts considered how the future of the ...

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    Successful Christmas trading for butchers


    With the New Year now upon us, Meat Management looks back on the Christmas period and offers exclusive insight from the Q Guild and National Craft Butchers on 2018’s festive trading for independent retailers.Callaghans Butchers were one of many reporting successful trading with 330 turkey orders over Christmas.Claire Holland, manager ...

  • Whole turkey sales experienced a drop of 7% over Christmas.

    Whole turkey festive sales down 7%


    Whole turkeys experienced a drop of 7% at the multiple retailers over Christmas, but smaller joints flourished while consumers spent an extra £450 million on groceries compared with this time last year.Whole turkey sales experienced a drop of 7% over Christmas.The latest figures and insight from Kantar Worldpanel, published for ...

  • princess anne

    Institute of Meat to receive Royal visit


    The Institute of Meat has announced that Her Royal Highness (HRH), Anne, The Princess Royal, will be attending the organisation’s Annual Prize-giving, to be held in conjunction with The Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB), on 21st February 2019.HRH Anne, The Princess Royal, will be attending the organisation’s Annual Prize-giving. Photo ...

  • Professor Chris Elliott, Queen's University Belfast academic.

    Vegan diet may have severe consequences warning


    Professor Chris Elliott, Queen's University Belfast academic, has warned that a vegan diet could be potentially fatal, stating that a lack of essential micronutrients could have severe consequences. Professor Chris Elliott, Queen's University Belfast academic.Poor bone health, lower omega-3 and iodine levels, plus a vitamin B12 deficiency are among those ...

  • Steak Roast Beef Fillet Of Beef 2654315

    Healthcare professionals recommend red meat


    A survey has shown that 95% of healthcare professionals who attended a medical conference in Cardiff would recommend red meat as a key part of a healthy and balanced diet.The survey showed that nurses were able to identify that Welsh red meat contains a variety of additional nutritional benefits.The survey, ...

  • BMPA logo

    BMPA cuts staff in major reorganisation


    The British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) has confirmed that it has completed a major reorganisation of the long established trade body.BMPA chief executive, Nick Allen.Meat Management understands that this includes releasing all members of its five strong permanent team, but that changes exclude its CEO Nick Allen who will remain ...

  • Secretary General of IMS, Hsin Huang

    IMS link up with Meat Business Women


    The trade body Meat Business Women has announced a partnership with The International Meat Secretariat (IMS), a non-profit organisation that represents the global meat and livestock sector.IMS promotes the sustainable supply of safe, healthy, high-quality and nutritious animal protein.Secretary General of IMS, Hsin Huang.IMS is also the powerhouse behind the ...

  • Michael Gove.

    Government challenged to ensure a smooth Brexit


    Speaking at the Oxford Farming Conference on 3rd January, both Environment secretary Michael Gove and National Farmers’ Union (NFU) president Minette Batters spoke about the risks of leaving the EU without a deal.Environment secretary, Michael Gove.Environment secretary Michael Gove told the Oxford Farming Conference: “It’s a grim but inescapable fact ...

  • traditional breakfast with fried egg and bacon

    Call for nitrites reduction in processed meats


    A cross-party group of politicians are calling for nitrites to be removed from processed meats including bacon, claiming that nitrite-free alternatives are safer and should be more widely used.Responding to the claim, Nick Allen of the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) said that nitrites are authorised additives and that they ...

  • Concerned Woman Looking At Pre Packaged Meat

    Food Waste Champion appointed by Defra


    Environment Secretary, Michael Gove has appointed Ben Elliot as the government’s first Food Surplus and Waste Champion. Mr Elliot is tasked with helping to promote awareness of food waste.The appointment is a key part of the government’s new Resources and Waste Strategy launched in December, and will support the commitment ...

  • Closeup of home made burgers on wooden background

    Call for taxes on ‘unhealthy food’


    Professor Dame Sally Davies, the Chief Medical Officer, has called for taxes to be applied to so called unhealthy ‘junk food’ in her annual report.The new report outlines plans to create a more healthy nation by 2040, with an emphasis on improving the environment and making it easier for people ...

  • Dominic Blakemore Group Chief Executive of Compass Group 1 1

    Dominic Blakemore to speak at City Food Lecture


    The 2019 City Food Lecture will be held on Tuesday 26th February 2019 at the Guildhall, London, with the key note speaker announced as Dominic Blakemore, Group CEO of Compass.Dominic Blakemore, Group CEO of Compass.The invitation only event has become a well-established feature of both the City of London and ...

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    Food and meat industry salt targets making progress


    Meat and food industry businesses have achieved ‘mixed progress’, with just over half of all average salt reduction targets met so far, compared to the Governments salt reduction targets as set by Public Health England (PHE), according to a new report.Burgers in a bun exceeded salt levels.In five out of ...

  • karro

    Top 10 most read Meat Management stories of 2018 revealed


    As 2018 comes to an end, we take a look back at some of the biggest stories that caught readers’ eyes this year and the ones that created the most reader traffic.As is traditional, we rank the most popular content in reverse order. Number one being the most read story ...

  • Frank Clark.

    Certainty required for Scotland’s meat industry - SAMW


    The pressing need for certainty, collaboration and respect top the 2019 wish list for Scotland’s red meat industry according to the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).SAMW president Frank Clark.“It’s now two-and-a-half years on from the-Brexit referendum yet our industry is still in urgent need of clarity as we head ...

  • QMS Beef up Christmas

    Over 2.4 million set to choose Scotch Beef this Christmas


    Forecast suggests that over 2.4 million Scottish consumers will choose Scotch Beef PGI as a festive choice following a high-impact Christmas campaign launched this month by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).Adverts are being aimed at enticing consumers to buy Scotch Beef PGI over the festive period.Nine adverts aimed at enticing consumers ...