All News articles – Page 195

  • FM8R0002

    Awards event attracts industry’s big hitters


    The UK meat industry’s biggest and most important awards ceremony and dinner will take place on 28th June at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole, and will once again be a major highlight in the meat trade annual calendar. The Meat Management Industry Awards 2016 dinner.The Awards are set to attract over ...

  • NFU President, Meurig Raymond

    NFU president calls for more clarity on Brexit ahead of negotiations


    The National Farmers’ Union president Meurig Raymond has urged the Government to end the uncertainty over what Brexit will mean for UK farming and take a collaborative approach to negotiations to achieve the best outcome for the country.NFU president, Meurig Raymond.Raymond pointed out that there is still a number of ...

  • NFU President, Meurig Raymond

    Industry reacts to Gove’s appointment at DEFRA


    Michael Gove’s appointment as the new Defra Secretary of State has had a mixed reaction from the meat, food and farming sectors.NFU president, Meurig Raymond.In an open letter to Michael Gove, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) president Meurig Raymond has called for Defra to work with the Union and its ...

  • BBQ logo

    AHDB launches campaign to put steak and lamb on Britain’s BBQs


    AHDB is launching a campaign to put steak and lamb at the heart of Britain’s BBQs, as a survey commissioned by Simply Beef and Lamb has revealed that more than a quarter of Brits would like to see more lamb and beef steaks on the barbecue this summer.AHDB's Simply Beef ...

  • Michael Gove MP Credit Policy Exchange 1

    Gove takes over at DEFRA


    Michael Gove, MP (photo credit: Policy Exchange).Michael Gove, who was sacked by Theresa May last summer when she took over as Prime Minister, has made a shock return to Government as the PM carried out a post-election reshuffle of her Cabinet. Gove takes over as environment secretary at DEFRA, replacing ...

  • group chickens m

    Poultry buoyed by strong global performance


    Poultry has recorded strong industry performance with profitability in most regions in the world, despite ongoing global pressure of avian influenza (AI) cases, according to Rabobank’s Global Poultry Quarterly for the second quarter of 2017.RaboResearch showed that poultry has recorded strong industry performance worldwide.With China being the only exception, where ...

  • AHDB Pork logo

    AHDB conference explores pork industry’s challenges


    AHDB organised and held a two-day conference in partnership with Pig World, which looked at the global picture of the sector, as well as how the industry could benefit from innovation in areas such as animal health and welfare, hygiene and pig buildings.‘Pigs 2022: The Opportunities’ was organised by AHDB ...

  • Interfood Technology

    Interfood Technology team to take part in charity challenge


    The coming weekend will see four members from the team at Interfood Technology take part in a charity challenge in order to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.Rob Unwin, James Wells, Tom Foran and John O’Hara from Interfood Technology.Rob Unwin, James Wells, Tom Foran and John O’Hara from Interfood Technology ...

  • Ralph Early4

    Harper Adams to host food additives seminar


    Harper Adams University in Newport will host a one day seminar on 22nd June, titled Food Additives & Ingredients: The Future Revealed.This one-day seminar is being held by the Food Additives & Ingredients Association (FAIA) in conjunction with Harper Adams University and the Department of Food Science and Agri-Food Supply ...

  • FM8R0405

    Meat Management Awards is the must do event


    The most important and biggest Industry Awards ceremony and dinner in the meat trade calendar is only a few weeks away, taking place on 28th June, and set to attract nearly 500 guests from right across the meat sector.The winners of the Meat Management Industry Awards 2016.The black tie networking ...

  • Red Tractor logo

    Country of Origin clarity backed by 81% of Brits


    An online survey conducted by YouGov and commissioned by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), has revealed that 81% of UK adults think that online food retailers should provide the same amount of information about the product’s country of origin online as on the food packaging in store.The Red Tractor logo.The ...

  • Claire Holland

    Q Guild names new manager


    The Q Guild of Butchers has appointed Claire Holland as its new manager, who will take up the post in the beginning of September.Q Guild's new manager, Claire Holland.Holland has previously worked for Meat & Livestock Commission (MLC), British Pig Executive (BPEX) and AHDB and is currently a member of ...

  • Stuart Ashworth

    Farmgate prices in Scotland enjoy year-on-year growth


    Quality Meat Scotland’s (QMS) latest analysis has revealed that farmgate cattle prices in Scotland jumped 13% higher than the same period last year, reaffirming the beef market’s stability over the past two months.Stuart Ashworth, head of Economics Services with QMS.Head of Economics Services with QMS, Stuart Ashworth, attributed the boost ...

  • NFU President, Meurig Raymond

    Politics and Brexit dent farmers’ confidence


    Farmers’ confidence for the next three years has been hit by an 18-point drop according to a survey by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), with the political landscape being noted as the key driver for the fall, following the UK’s vote to leave the EU.NFU president, Meurig Raymond.NFU’s president, Meurig ...

  • News

    2 Sisters Smethwick poultry plant to close by the end of June


    2 Sisters Food Group has confirmed that its poultry processing plant in Smethwick, West Midlands, is set to close at the end of June which will lead to various employment options for its staff.The food group said it has found jobs for 290 of the 630 staff at the site, ...

  • Pork Farms Snack Promo Pack

    Pork Farms launches multi-million pack promotion


    Pork Farms, the UK pork pie brand, is launching a new multi million pound promotional campaign which will begin in stores in the next few weeks.Pork Farms promotion.The Great Summer Giveaway campaign is one of Pork Farms’ biggest on pack promotions to date.The campaign will see every pack have a ...

  • The RSPCA Assured label.

    Aldi and McDonald’s lead the way for animal welfare


    It has been revealed that retailer Aldi and fast food restaurant McDonald’s UK are helping to lead the way when it comes to animal welfare, whilst Sainsbury’s remains number one for RSPCA Assured.Aldi has recently beaten three of the UK’s largest supermarkets to become the second largest retailer of RSPCA ...

  • News

    JBS shareholder fined billions in Brazil scandal


    J&F Investimentos, the controlling shareholder of meat-packing company, JBS, is to pay a 10.3bn real ($3.2bn; £2.4bn) fine due to its involvement in Brazil’s recent meat corruption scandal.The payments will start in December and it will pay under a leniency deal in two corruption investigations. Prosecutors have stated that the ...

  • Bakers Basco Gen Shot close up

    Yorkshire poultry firms pay out for equipment misuse


    Two Yorkshire-based chicken processors have been ordered to collectively pay nearly £20,000 to bakery equipment company Bakers Basco for using its equipment without consent.Al-Ummah Halal Poultry Ltd of Barnsley and Ijaz Halal Poultry Ltd of Bradford were ordered by the County Court in Barnsley to pay the money to Bakers ...

  • Tesco store

    Barbeque season sees Tesco increase sales


    The latest report from Kantar Worldpanel indicates that supermarket Tesco has increased sales by 1.8% year on year, attracting over 250,000 additional shoppers during the past 12 weeks.The report, published for the 12 weeks ending 21st May, suggests that this increase has been helped by promotions on barbecue foods as ...