The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC) has announced a three-year marketing campaign encouraging people across the country to eat more Farm Quality Assured beef and lamb.

Targeting consumers via television, radio, print, online, social media and outdoor display advertising options, LMC will encourage “local consumers to seek out the Farm Quality Assurance logo in shops and, if necessary, to ask retailers if they stock Farm Quality Assured beef and lamb products”, according to LMC’s industry development manager, Colin Smith.

Colin Smith

LMC’s industry development manager, Colin Smith.

Smith commented: “The home market accounts for between 9% and 11% of all the beef and lamb produced here in Northern Ireland and we need to protect this asset.

“The new promotional campaign builds on the work carried out over recent years in a very innovative way.”

He also mentioned that red meat is competing against other dietary protein sources on a continuing basis, with the new campaign addressing the issue “head-on”.

Smith added: “A new series of lamb recipes will be unveiled over the coming weeks and months. Improving the versatility of lamb is a priority moving forward.

“It is a very traditional meat. However, large numbers of local consumers have never tried it.”Smith also confirmed that the new campaign hit television screens this month, along with radio and social media.

“The quality of home produced beef and lamb has always been superior and, yes, the new promotional campaign re-enforces this point,” he explained.

“However, it also goes well beyond this, communicating the very real benefits which the Farm Quality Assurance Scheme delivers with regard to the overall sustainability of the beef and lamb sectors in Northern Ireland.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
