All News articles – Page 228

  • News

    RSPCA praises CCTV in abattoirs campaign


    The call for mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses and legislation to ensure vets have unrestricted access to CCTV footage has been backed by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). Dr Marc Cooper, head of the RSPCA farm animal department, said: “The RSPCA wholeheartedly supports calls for ...

  • Morrisons store

    More Scottish lamb lands in supermarkets


    More Scottish and British lamb is making its way onto retailers’ shelves in Scotland, National Farmers Union (NFU) Scotland has confirmed.The Union has been encouraging retailers to consider extending the season for Scottish or British product, highlighting that a few weeks at the start or end of their normal season ...

  • Robert Smith has been appointed market director at the

    Rob Smith to take over from John Howard at DAFC


    Rob Smith is to become the new market director at the Danish Agricultural and Food Council for the UK in June. He takes over the position from the present incumbent, John Howard, who will be retiring from his post.Robert Smith has been appointed market director at the DAFC.Rob has enjoyed ...

  • Dr Phil Hadley

    AHDB Beef and Lamb adds value to the Halal sector


    The growing domestic market for Halal sheep meat presents a significant opportunity for the industry, according to AHDB Beef and Lamb. Dr Phil Hadley at AHDB Beef and Lamb is working to highlight the role the Halal sector plays in supporting the sheep meat and beef industry.Dr Phil Hadley, AHDB ...

  • Re-opening of Tesco Extra Broadstairs 21/7/14New Services

    Tesco launches home slider kit


    Tesco has launched what it says to be the UK’s first home slider kit, as it captures the American trend in time for the British barbecue season.Sliders, or bite-sized hamburgers, are said to already be popular as snacks in restaurant and bars, and the multiple retailer is now hoping make ...

  • Big Mac and Kimbo ready for the off, only 7 hours drive to the start line in Belgium

    Raps UK’s Ian Mackway takes on charity challenge


    General manager of Raps UK Ian Mackway is taking on a charity challenge in order to raise money for the Air Ambulance.Mackway is hoping to raise money by driving 950 miles from the UK to Monte Carlo in a car that cost under £300.Ian Mackway and his friend Kim Golding ...

  • The Butchers Q Guild’s 2016 BBQ Competition overall supreme champion Drew McKenzie, centre, of Robert Alexander Butchers in Port Glasgow, pictured with Q Guild national chairman Mark Turnbull, right, and national vice-chairman David Lishman.

    Q Guild BBQ supreme champion crowned


    Robert Alexander Butchers in Port Glasgow, Inverclyde, has been crowned overall supreme barbecue champion at the UK final of the Butchers Q Guild 2016 BBQ Competition with its Coffee Crusted BBQ Steak.The Butchers Q Guild’s 2016 BBQ Competition overall supreme champion Drew McKenzie, centre, of Robert Alexander Butchers in Port ...

  • Steaks on barbecue

    Butchers invited to take part in NFMFT BBQ competition


    The National Federation of Meat and Food Traders (NFMFT) is this weekend hosting its National BBQ Competition and is encouraging butchers to enter and take part.The event will take place on Sunday 22nd May and will form part of meat industry supplier Dalziel’s open day at its depot in Newbury.Butchers ...

  • Iain MacDonald, QMS

    Upturn in farmgate pig prices


    Farmgate pig prices have seen an increase after a prolonged period of decline, Iain Macdonald, senior economics analyst at Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) has reported.Iain MacDonald, QMS.According Macdonald the opening week of May was the fifth consecutive week, and seventh week in nine, to see an increase in the GB ...

  • (l to r) Jim Dobson Dunbia Group Chief Executive and Paul Edwards Dunbia Wales are pictured with Mr Stan Phillips, Agricultural Conselor USDA and Mr Steve Knight, Agricultural Specialist USDA. Also included in the photo is Mr Barrie Jones, Dunbia Gro…

    Future looking bright for lamb exports to USA


    Red meat processor Dunbia recently hosted the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on a fact finding mission to Wales.Agricultural counsellor Stan Phillips and agricultural specialist Steve Knight of the USDA visited Dunbia’s factory at Llanybydder where Paul Edwards, MD Dunbia Wales provided a tour of the facilities.Pictured (l to ...

  • News

    ??EU Parliament calls for greater transparency within food labelling


    The European Parliament has called on the European Commission to introduce new labelling requirements.A non-binding resolution was approved by the full Parliament during a vote in Strasbourg this week. The resolution confirmed the need for greater transparency within food labelling, and asked for the Commission to revisit its position and ...

  • News

    Call for unrestricted vet access to slaughterhouse CCTV


    The British Veterinary Association (BVA) and the Veterinary Public Health Association (VPHA) have re-iterated their call for mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses and legislation to ensure vets have unrestricted access to slaughterhouse CCTV footage.The call follows the recent undercover filming by an animal welfare organisation in the Simply Halal slaughterhouse. The ...

  • UK International Butcher Team, Lucy Crawshaw and Joe Smith.

    Strong performance from Team UK at International Young Butcher Competition


    UK International Butcher Team, Lucy Crawshaw and Joe Smith, impressed judges at the International Young Butcher Competition at IFFA in Frankfurt, Germany, last weekend.UK International Butcher Team, Lucy Crawshaw and Joe Smith.The duo competed in six categories against other apprentices from Austria, France, Germany, Holland and Switzerland.Team UK finished fifth ...

  • Cattle in field

    Increase in beef supplies forecast for 2016


    Despite a likely increase in exports, a combination of higher production from prime cattle and cows and increased imports means that beef supplies in 2016 will be up on last year, the latest AHDB forecast suggests.“The impact of higher calf registrations over the past couple of years will certainly be ...

  • Beef.

    Meat and poultry volume sales rise


    Fresh primary meat and poultry volume sales have risen, the latest Meat, Fish and Poultry (MFP) figures from Kantar Worldpanel for the 12 weeks ending 24th April 2016 have revealed.Volume sales of chicken increased 5.3% year-on year, turkey sales were up 9.9%, beef sales were up 1.0%, whilst pork volumes ...

  • Supermarket meat shopper

    Consumers respond to ‘meat concerns’ survey


    New research conducted by British online meat retailer and sports nutrition brand specifically asked UK consumers to share whether they have any concerns when purchasing meat.Researchers were interested to discover whether the 2013 ‘horsemeat scandal’, and the constant media attention the meat industry has received following it, has had ...

  • Gordon Newlands

    Butchers found using Q Guild logo fraudulently


    The Q Guild is currently investigating butchers displaying its Q Guild logo fraudulently.Gordon Newlands says the Q Guild is to "name and shame" butchers using the organisation's logo fraudulently.The Q Guild Butchers are 110 independent butchers across the country who have obtained membership, described by the organisation as a seal ...

  • British Pig & Poultry Fair ©Tim Scrivener.

    British Pig & Poultry Fair proves popular


    The British Pig & Poultry Fair took place this week, and proved popular, with standing room only at the forum programmes.British Pig & Poultry Fair © Tim Scrivener.Visitors were able to learn about the outlook for the poultry sector, led by Chris Hall from Cargill and Tom Willings, formerly of ...

  • Ladies in Pigs following the announcement of the organisation's £100,000 sponsorship deal with AHDB Pork.

    AHDB Pork backs LIPs


    Ladies in Pigs (LIPs) has agreed a sponsorship deal with AHDB Pork, which will give the organisation a £100,000 boost to promote British pork at events across the country throughout the year.LIPs was founded by the wives of pig farmers to champion British pork and has a long history of ...

  • Gyles Brandreth.

    The final countdown to MM Meat Industry Awards begins


    Time is running out to be part of the UK’s most popular meat industry awards event, which is to be hosted by author and broadcaster Gyles Brandreth on Friday 20th May at the Hilton Hotel on Park Lane, London.Introducing BrandrethA former Oxford scholar, president of the Oxford Union and MP ...