All News articles – Page 325

  • News

    Pig producers warned to mind the gap


    There is still a gap between the cost of pig production in the UK and the EU, but it is narrowing, according to BPEX.The latest ‘Cost of Production Report’ for BPEX, from AHDB Market Intelligence, shows costs rose by 7% while the European average was 12%.Part of the reason for ...

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    BPC puts The Daily Mail straight


    The British Poultry Council (BPC) described The Daily Mail’s recent article ‘The truth about free-range turkeys will put you off your Christmas dinner,’ as both inaccurate and disappointing.The British Poultry Council (BPC) described The Daily Mail’s recent article ‘The truth about free-range turkeys will put you off your Christmas dinner,’ ...

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    EU approves Tonnies and OSI joint venture


    The European Commission has approved the creation of a joint venture between the German Tonnies and American OSI groups, to be called Proteinunion GmbH.The new business will process utilize and dispose of cattle slaughterhouse by-products that are unsuitable for food production.Tonnies produces, processes and sells meat as does the Amercian-owned ...

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    Scots say 2012 changes in meat industry were vital


    “The past 12 months have seen some vital meat industry changes being made, head-lined by the Scottish Government’s commitment in June to establish a stand-alone meat inspection service for Scotland,” said SAMW president, Alan McNaughton, commenting on the achievements of 2012 and the challenges that lie ahead in 2013.“With six ...

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    'Hog'manay deadline is a pig's breakfast says Scotland NFU


    Scotland’s farming union is appealing to shoppers to look for the Specially Selected Pork label as a sure-fire way of knowing that the meat they buy meets EU regulations on pig welfare.It has also written to retailers to urge them only to stock pigmeat from EU Member States which are ...

  • Dr Phil Hadley: "Younger managers from meat processing and trading businesses from throughout the UK would benefit from attending the meeting and exchanging views with their peers in other European countries."

    EBLEX to host influential European young meat managers’ meeting


    EBLEX is hosting a meeting of YEMCO (the Young European Meat Committee) in London on May 10th and 11th 2013.YEMCO, which is part of UECBV (the European Livestock and Meat Traders Association) is a leading ‘think tank’ of over 400 young executives and managers of European companies engaged in the ...

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    Christmas holidays


    The offices of Yandell Media Group will close on Friday 21st December 2012 and we will be reopening on Thursday 3rd January 2013.The editor and the whole Meat Management team would like to say a huge thank you to all our readers and advertisers for their continued support. We wish ...

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    Chemical reaction at Vion site


    According to reports in the Haverhill Echo yesterday local fire crews were called to the Vion Food site at Little Wratting following a chemical incident.The Echo reported that phosphoric acid foam and sodium hypochloride, both cleaning agents, had caused a reaction once mixed together. One person was said to have ...

  • Jimmy Doherty will be fronting the campaign to support Red Tractor pork.

    Jimmy Doherty to promote Red Tractor pork


    Pig farmer and TV favourite Jimmy Doherty has been recruited by BPEX to front a new campaign to promote Red Tractor pork in the New Year, as the price of food linked to grain is expected to rise.Jimmy Doherty will be fronting the campaign to support Red Tractor pork.The campaign ...

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    CAP to take priority for Scotland's NFU


    NFU Scotland’s officeholders have used the Union’s annual report and its Christmas press briefing to reinforce the message that securing a CAP Reform deal to secure the future of the industry in Scotland is its priority for 2013.Speaking to the press in Edinburgh, president Nigel Miller and chief executive, Scott ...

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    Tesco launches British rose veal


    Tesco is to add fresh rose veal on its meat counters following its work with pig farmer and processor, Jimmy Doherty on how to re-introduce the meat into British supermarkets.The retailer will be stocking three cuts of rose veal – a joint, sirloin and rump, which can then be cut ...

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    Vion’s beef and lamb output will be underwritten by Tesco


    Reports are emerging that Tesco has agreed to underwrite the cost price of any beef and lamb supplied to its stores from the beleaguered Vion plants.This will impact on the product processed through Vion’s plants at St Merryn Foods and McIntosh Donald. It understood that the arrangement will be for ...

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    EBLEX aiming to enhance export opportunities for processors


    Processors will be encouraged to maximise carcase utilisation and capitalise on growing export opportunities, thanks to a new appointment at EBLEX.Christine Walsh has joined the organisation as supply chain development manager amid growing opportunities for the export of beef and lamb, including fifth quarter products.She is joining from EBLEX’s sister ...

  • Jonathan Eckley to join the EBLEX exports team as the new marketing executive.

    New addition to EBLEX export team


    EBLEX has boosted its export team with the appointment of Jonathan Eckley as its new marketing executive.Jonathan Eckley to join the EBLEX exports team as its new marketing executive.Eckley, currently south east regional manager for the organisation, will take up his role from January 1st, bringing his experience of livestock ...

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    Confidence is key in the sheep sector, says NFU


    Confidence must be maintained within the sheep industry if we are to exploit the strong global demand for British lamb, says the NFU.Like many others in the agricultural industry, sheep producers have endured a challenging year due to a poor summer and a longer finishing period, and are now seeing ...

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    British turkey feeds the nation's veterans


    This Christmas, British Turkey has teamed up with UK charity Help for Heroes to help make it an extra special one by providing quality British turkeys to recovery centres across the UK, which support those who have suffered life changing injuries.Help for Heroes provides direct, practical support to serving and ...

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    Bacon revolution awards now open


    Calling all purveyors of great bacon, the hunt is now on to find the nation’s best rashers!As part of Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week, which takes place from 18th-24th March 2013, the ‘Great Bacon Revolution Awards’ are set to put premium cures firmly in the spotlight.The high profile competition is open to ...

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    Endless speculation about MBO of Vion finally ends


    Dutch-based food producer Vion NV has finally reached an agreement for a management buy-out of its UK pork operations, securing around 4,000 jobs, subject to Competition Authority approval in Ireland.The deal, led by Seamus Carr, managing director of Vion’s Pork Business Unit, is backed by UK private equity firm Endless, ...

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    BSE testing of healthy cattle over 72 months can be stopped


    The Food Standards Agency is to advise the UK Government that testing of all healthy cattle aged over 72 months for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) can be stopped, following agreement at an FSA Board meeting this week.It was agreed that the testing of these healthy cattle was no longer necessary ...

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    Rooker to step down as FSA chair in 2013


    Jeff Rooker has confirmed that he will step down from his post as chair of the Food Standards Agency in July next year.Rooker to depart after his four-year contract expires.Rooker said: 'When I joined the FSA I said that I was excited to be joining an organisation that puts sound ...