All News articles – Page 327

  • News

    Vion closing in on MBO for pork business


    Reports are emerging that Vion, in its plan to quit the UK, may be close to a deal with its management for its pork division business.A spokesman reported: “We still have a few enquiries and no deal has been signed.” The Scotsman newspaper has indicated today that the deal could ...

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    Cranswick results strong despite rising feed costs


    Cranswick plc’s interim results for the six months ending 30th September 2012 saw the firm’s revenues and pre-tax profits climb, despite rising feed costs in the pork sector.The business reported turnover up by 6% to £418 million and a re-tax profit of £22.5 million, up 21% on last year.Chairman Martin ...

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    Free QMS Charcuterie workshop


    Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) is running a series of free workshops in the coming months for levy payers throughout Scotland, who would like to learn more about what the supply chain is looking for.The workshops offer an opportunity for producers to develop a set of skills, enabling them to diversify ...

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    Boost to Danish slaughter pig production


    An agreement to increase slaughter pig production and plug exports of piglets to Germany has been signed by slaughterhouses, pig producers and the major food trade union in Denmark, the NNF.“We aim to increase slaughter pig production in Denmark by two million pigs over the next two years,” explained Asger ...

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    Offal exports on the rise despite lower production


    Strong demand has helped push exports of sheep meat offal up to the £3.5 million mark despite lower production, according to EBLEX.In the first nine months of 2012, UK exports of sheep meat offal were up almost a third to 2,900 tonnes, even though domestic production fell by 5% in ...

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    Sheep meat cuts buck overall downward export trend


    EBLEX’s ‘cuts not carcases’ approach to exporting UK sheep meat appears to have paid dividends in the first nine months of 2012 with export volumes of cuts up 11% on the year.The exports of bone-in and boneless cuts for the period bucked the trend of a fall in overall sheep ...

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    NFUS unveils beef plan at Livestock Live events


    NFU Scotland is taking a draft blueprint for Scotland’s beef sector on the road this week.The Union is looking to develop its draft Blueprint for Beef with members, industry stakeholders and those interested in the future of the nation’s beef sector. The blueprint tackles a comprehensive list of measures designed ...

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    AHDB's international meat market review now online


    Previously published twice a year in hard copy as the International Meat Market Review, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is taking its latest intelligence on international meat production and consumption online.The information is now either available, or soon will be, at the click of a mouse on AHDB ...

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    Russia lifts 26-year ban on meat imports


    EBLEX has welcomed Russia’s official lifting of its 26-year ban on importing meat supplies which could be worth between £80 million and £115 million to the industry over three years.Beef exports are expected to begin from a limited number of plants in the new year, while lamb exports are due ...

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    Morrisons under fire for moving away from stocking 100% British poultry


    Supermarket giant, Morrisons came under heavy criticism from the National Farmers' Union following its decision not to continue stocking 100% fresh British poultry meat.It's understood that the supermarket chain is importing poultry meat from within Europe and marketing it under Morrisons’ exclusive tertiary brand Hemseley’s.Within the last year Morrisons has ...

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    Relying on the market to drive production is ‘naive’ says SAMW


    It’s naive to continue suggesting that traditional market conditions will deliver sustainable UK food production in the future says the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).The comment is contained in a letter to the Secretary of State for Scotland, Michael Moore, which presents the urgent case for Scottish livestock production ...

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    Consultation on research priorities for primary food production


    The future of food production in the UK needs a united approach from government, researchers and industry to developing new knowledge and technologies, if it is to meet the challenges of the next two decades, a leading scientist has warned.Professor Chris Pollock CBE, who drafted a study for four UK ...

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    NFU takes CAP fight to European parliament


    The NFU is stepping up its fight to ensure the EU’s next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) allows UK farmers to compete on a level playing field with the rest of Europe.NFU president Peter Kendall, deputy president Meurig Raymond and senior CAP advisor Gail Soutar have met with Europe’s leading MEPs ...

  • Interfood Vion Malton copy

    Industry still reeling from Vion’s shock annoucement


    Shockwaves were felt throughout the meat industry this week following the news that Vion is to quit the UK. The company’s beef, lamb and poultry businesses, across 38 sites, are now up for sale. The news was first revealed, directly to the trade, by Meat Management.Dutch owned Vion NV first ...

  • Interfood Vion Malton

    Reaction to Vion’s UK exit


    Following Meat Management’s breaking news yesterday that Vion UK is to sell its UK food operations industry reaction has been flooding in.Vion’s operations manager at Malton, Carl Meade (left) and Richard Nethercot of Vion’s operations manager at Malton, Carl Meade (left) and Richard Nethercot of Interfood Systems outside VION’s pork ...

  • Dirk Kloosterboer - Vion

    Vion's viewpoint on its UK departure


    Announcing that it was returning to what it called its core markest, focussing entirely on its food operations in the Netherlands and Germany and on its global ingredients business Vion claims its new course was essential.VION’s CEO and executive board chairman Dirk Kloosterboer said: "This is a particularly difficult day ...

  • Ladies in Beef Minette Batters

    RABI to join Ladies in Beef for Great British Beef Week


    Ladies in Beef is joining forces with the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) to plan for Great British Beef Week 2013, which will run from 21st to 27th April.Great British Beef Week was established as an annual celebration of the British Beef industry in 2011 and has previously been celebrated ...

  • Owen Paterson carving 161112

    Beef exports on the menu in Hong Kong


    Officials, meat importers, restaurateurs and journalists in Hong Kong were treated to a beef reception last week to mark a historic agreement with Great Britain.It celebrated the fact that beef rib cuts and other specified bone-in products can now be exported to Hong Kong from Britain, and showcased Quality Standard ...

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    Avoid over finishing of lamb to maximise returns


    Lamb producers are being urged by EBLEX to target the market and select stock for slaughter carefully to appeal to the broadest market and maximise returns.EBLEX said autumn and winter-slaughtered lambs have a tendency to be over-fat, so avoiding over finishing is key.AHDB Market Intelligence/EBLEX forecasts for the sheep sector ...

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    Another major cash boost for livestock skills


    Advanced training for farmers in livestock skills is to get a £400,000 national boost under Defra’s £20m Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE).The news marks a triple livestock success, this autumn, for the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) under RDPE.Last month, the levy board secured more than £1m of ...