All News articles – Page 322

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    EBLEX figures show worst trading conditions for lamb producers in over half a decade


    English sheep producers are experiencing their biggest losses since 2006 at £26 per animal, latest EBLEX figures have revealed.Analysis of EBLEX costings data, which provides an update to figures released earlier this month by the NFU, shows that producers are losing an average of £26 for every lamb sold deadweight, ...

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    Burger contamination revelations roll on


    Despite earlier assurances about Burger King products The Guardian has revealed that the foodservice chain has now admits some burgers made at Silvercrest were tainted with horse meat.Burger King vice president for global quality, Diego Beaumonte, speaking to The Guardian said the company was : "Deeply troubled by the findings ...

  • HCC chairman, Dai Davies says promotion of Welsh Meat is at risk.

    HCC calls for review of red meat levy distribution system


    The chairman of Hybu Cig Cymru has warned that the promotion of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef is at risk unless the system that funds the organisation is revamped.“While the current system of funding isn’t completely broken, cracks are appearing which will have serious repercussions for levy paying farmers and ...

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    Tesco lays blame at Silvercrest's door over burger scandal


    Tesco has dropped Silvercrest as its burger supplier and laid the blame for the contamination of horsemeat in its burgers purely on its supplier. The supermarket has said Silvercrest failed to use "approved suppliers" from inside the UK and Ireland, which it claims was outside of its required specifications.Tesco's group ...

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    WA Turner buys Debbie & Andrew's brand from Vion


    WA Turner has acquired the Debbie & Andrew’s brand from the Vion Food Group for an undisclosed sum.Debbie & Andrew’s has for many years been a leading premium sausage brand in the UK and Turner says this acquisition is an exciting addition to the range of quality sausages already produced ...

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    Browns Good Group acquires Hall’s of Broxburn


    Hall’s has been acquired by Browns Food Group (Browns) from its Dutch owner VION.In acquiring the Hall’s brand, created by David A Hall in 1932, Browns, established in 1885, has effectively merged two of Scotland’s oldest family owned food businesses.The move by Browns, which is headquartered in Kirkconnel, Dumfriesshire, will ...

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    NFU highlights ‘Great Lamb Robbery’


    The NFU says it will do all it can to help sheep farmers in the UK who are being hit from all sides by a collapse in the farmgate price of lamb and soaring farm costs.Tensions are high among NFU livestock members over the gulf between farmgate prices and the ...

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    EBLEX emphasises importance of product integrity


    EBLEX has reiterated that with traceability and origin of meat products coming under the spotlight once again, it’s more important than ever to ensure beef, lamb and veal is sourced through an assured supply chain.In addition to specifications for beef and lamb, the the EBLEX Quality Standard Mark Scheme also ...

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    Poland named as source of horsemeat in burgers


    An investigation by the Irish government has laid the blame for the supply of horsemeat that caused the recent burger crisis on a Polish company.Ireland’s Agriculture and Food Minister, Simon Coveney confirmed that the DNA detected in the meat imported by Silvercrest had been from: “Another member state as raw ...

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    Online international beef and lamb reports launched by EBLEX


    Online country reports for the major beef and sheep meat producing, consuming and trading nations have been launched by EBLEX to help levy payers make key business decisions.The reports, which can be found in the market information section of, provide valuable information about beef cattle and sheep populations, slaughtering ...

  • Aubrey Allen's European offering in Lyon.

    European success for Aubrey Allen


    Martin Crombie and Michael Perkins from Aubrey Allen are celebrating their success representing England as the nation’s entry in the European Butchery Trophy, held in Lyon, France over the weekend.The two Warwickshire butchers finished in fourth place closely behind Switzerland and two pairs from France, winning 600 euros and putting ...

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    ABP is swift to respond to 'horsegate' findings


    Following the Irish investigations into the horsemeat in burgers scandal the ABP Food Group is to appoint a new management team at the Silvercrest facility and will be undertaking a Group reorganisation.With immediate effect responsibility for the Silvercrest business has transferred to ABP Ireland (the Irish chilled beef division). The ...

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    Vion restructures its head office and ICT organisation


    Following Vion's decision to exit the UK it is now restructuring its head office in Eindhoven and Vion ICT Services in The Netherlands with the loss of 40 of its 140 staff. Around 25 people will leave the company and 15 are expected to be made redundant.Vion said this was: ...

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    Food manufacturers challenged over illegal imports


    British pig farmers are challenging food manufacturers, retailers and caterers to give a public commitment that they are not selling illegally-produced meat from farms that are flouting new European welfare legislation outlawing the prolonged confinement of sows in individual cages, known as 'stalls.'They have set up a website Wall-of-Fame-and-Shame which ...

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    Supermarkets set traceability challenge on imported pork


    NFU Scotland has set major supermarkets a traceability challenge to reassure consumers and the industry that no illegally produced imported pork is appearing on their shelves. Major changes to pig welfare standards were introduced across Europe at the start of this year that significantly restrict the use of sow stalls ...

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    Labour party raises fears bute from horse meat may have entered the food chain


    Labour shadow environment secretary, Mary Creagh, has raised concerns that the anti-inflammatory horse drug, phenylbutazone (also known as bute) may have entered the food chain. She claims to have evidence of some horses slaughtered in the UK last year tested positive for the drug, which is harmful to humans.Horses that ...

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    Welsh butchers give thumbs up to POS material


    Promotional point of sale (POS) material, which aimed to help boost sales of Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef during the festive period, has been rated highly by butchers in Wales, according to Welsh red meat promotion agency Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC).Over 350 independent butchers and retailers in Wales were sent ...

  • Peter Bradnock (right) is to retire after 20 years in the poultry industry. He is pictured here receiving his poultryman of the year award from BPC chairman, John Reed.

    BPC's Peter Bradnock to retire


    BPC chief executive Peter Bradnock announced he would retire this summer after more than 20 years with the British poultry industry.Mr Bradnock joined the BPC in 1991 from a New Zealand civil service background specialising in international and EU agricultural trade policy with postings in Brussels and Rome.Peter Bradnock (right) ...

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    Borders shoppers to get a taste of Scotch lamb


    Shoppers out and about in Galashiels this Saturday (26th January) are to be tempted with fresh, tasty Scotch Lamb.Sheep farmers from the Lothians and the Borders will be visiting Tesco and Asda stores in the town. To back up the message to buy Scottish, samples of tasty roast lamb will ...

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    Burger King drops ABP as supplier


    Burger King is to replace its Silvercrest products in both the UK and Ireland and has changed to a separate supplier.Silvercrest, a subsidiary of ABP Food Group, has been under investigation for potential contamination of retail products with horse meat. This company also supplied 100% pure beef patties for Burger ...