The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is proposing to hold 2016/17 levy rates for all industry sectors at the same level as this year, including the pigmeat, beef and lamb markets. This is one recommendation from the Board in its proposed plans for 2016/19, launched for industry consultation today (Thursday 3 December).
AHDB CEO Jane King said: “As you may be aware, the AHDB is going through a substantial change process to improve our efficiency and effectiveness. As part of that process we are currently out meeting and listening to our levy payers through our Activity Review. The views that we receive will inform our long-term activities and priorities.
“In addition, we are now consulting on our proposed business plans for next year. This year’s overall strategic plan, and the six sector business plans which form part of it reflect the journey of change we are on to deliver even better services for levy payers.
“We have a big ambition to make AHDB a great organisation that makes a real difference to levy payer businesses. Our funds come from these hard working businesses through statutory levies and therefore listening to and consulting those levy payers and their representatives is very important.”
AHDB has stated that it is particularly interested in answers to the following questions:
- Do you agree with the proposed activities for your/each sector? If not, which activities will make the biggest difference to improving the competitiveness of your sector, and why?
- What levy funded activity(ies) in your view could be stopped, and why?
- Do you agree that levy rates should remain unchanged for 2016/17?
The consultation closes at 17.00 hours on Wednesday 13th January 2016. Responses can be submitted by email to or via post to Ruth Ashfield, AHDB, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2TL.
Feedback from this consultation will be considered when the plans are finalised in January before submission to Ministers for approval of levy rates.
A copy of the AHDB Strategic Plan and the sector specific business plans and the consultation letter can all be downloaded from the AHDB website.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.