Dr Phil Hadley has been awarded one of the highest accolades in the meat industry in recognition of his longstanding commitment to the meat sector.

Phil Hadley fellowship

Stuart Thompson, the Master of WCB, and Bill Jermey, chairman of Food and Drink Qualifications, awarding Phil Hadley a Fellowship of the Institute of Meat.

He was given a Fellowship of the Institute of Meat at The Institute of Meat (IoM) and Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) Annual Prize-Giving.

From his early role as a butcher in a family business, through to his work as a meat inspector and now his position as head of global supply chain development – beef and lamb, Hadley has devoted his career to the meat industry and working to ensure its continued success for future generations.

Commenting on the award, he said: “After a lifetime working with meat, so much has changed. However, the passion and dedication of the people who make meat great hasn’t – many of those people are members of the IoM and WCB.

“Receiving the Fellowship has built on my desire to inspire more hard-working people to enter and remain in the industry, to ensure that customers around the world continue to see our meat as the best they can buy.”

The Institute of Meat (IoM) and Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) event celebrates the achievements of butchers, their employers and training providers from across the UK. In total 12 awards were given, to prize-winners from a wide range of industry backgrounds.

The IoM’s chief executive Keith Fisher said: “Phil has been a member of the Institute of Meat for some 30 years, and though the industry may have changed a lot in that time, his commitment to it hasn’t.

“He is very worthy of our highest accolade and I am sure he will continue to support our industry for years to come.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
