Crowds of onlookers, including London tourists, enjoyed the annual Boars Head Ceremony in London on Wednesday 28th November, when Liverymen from the Worshipful Company of Butchers, led by this year’s Master, Graham Baker.


Liverymen Mark Winston and Rob Yandell, together with Richard Booth and Graham Yandell, holding the Boars Head at the entrance to Pewterers’ Hall. Front of picture is the WCB Beadle Neil Hunt with The WCB Master Graham Baker and the Clerk of the Company, Major General Jeff Mason MBE.

Baker processed the traditional Boars Head to the new Lord Mayor, who received it at Mansion House.

The ceremony dates back to 1343, when the presentation of a Boars Head was agreed in payment for a parcel of land acquired by the Butchers Company. It takes place each November, shortly after the new Lord Mayor has taken up his year of office.

The Butchers have a Boar’s Head prepared and suitably decorated so that it can be carried shoulder-high through the City streets. This year the procession set off from the Pewterers’ Hall with a drum band leading the way and a police escort to stop London traffic.

Upon reaching the Mansion House the party of butchers and guests are invited into the building, where the Lord Mayor officially receives the Boar’s Head. This year Liverymen were welcomed by Peter Estlin and Lindy Estlin the new Lord and Lady Mayoress.


The Lord Mayor Peter Estlin with the WCB Master Graham Baker, pictured at Mansion house with Mark Winston and Rob Yandell.

The Boars Head platter was carried through the streets of London by Meat Management publisher Graham Yandell and also director of Yandell Media Rob Yandell, together with Liverymen Mark Winston and Richard Booth.

At the ceremony in Mansion House the meat is sliced off the head and served to all attending, which is washed down with suitably festive drinks.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
