Burgers and grills sales have performed even better than last month, according to data covering the 12 weeks to 15th July.

The latest Meat, Fish & Poultry (MFP) update from Kantar Worldpanel shows the sunny weather has helped with sales once again, and overall supermarket grocery sales grew by 3.6%.

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The heatwave has driven continued growth for burgers and grills.

The MFP markets have benefitted strongly from the heatwave, with huge growth for burgers and grills as the nation fired up the barbeques.

Nathan Ward, business unit director for MFP, has confirmed that burgers are the standout market at present, with 1.2 million more shoppers buying them.

Burgers also featured in 4.2 million more trips, and the fastest growth is seen in non-promoted sales in the supermarket.

Ward added: “The other barbeque staple, the great British banger, is also performing well, but growth is slower than the wider market.”

Poultry remains another big winner, with both the primary and processed markets showing strong growth.

Primary chicken is now key to the growth, with volumes up 6.6% as 611,000 more shoppers bought the market, taking 2.7 million more trips.

Barbeques again look to be playing a big role here, with volumes up across breasts (+5%), wings (+7%) and legs (+8%).

Kantar Worldpanel’s next MFP update will be released in four weeks’ time, leaving the question: will a heatwave continue to drive sales?

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.