NFU Scotland’s officeholders have used the Union’s annual report and its Christmas press briefing to reinforce the message that securing a CAP Reform deal to secure the future of the industry in Scotland is its priority for 2013.
Speaking to the press in Edinburgh, president Nigel Miller and chief executive, Scott Walker both laid out the resources NFU Scotland plans to commit to the CAP Reform process as it gathers momentum in 2013. In January of next year, the Union will use the round of regional AGMs to discuss its latest modelling work and CAP Reform options with the wider membership.
The Union enters 2013 – its Centenary year – in good heart. Membership is stable and the annual accounts show a profit for the year before gains on exceptional items of £45.511.
Scott Walker said: “Reform of the CAP seems like a perennial issue for NFU Scotland. If we are not involved in discussing what the next reform will be, we are shaping the previous reform or working with Government in its implementation. But given CAP’s huge importance in supporting Scotland’s farmers, crofters and growers, reform is a job NFUS must get right every time.
“Despite budgetary delays, 2013 is still expected to be the critical year for decisions on the CAP. That process starts in January with the Irish taking over the presidency of the EU and in February there will be another ‘extraordinary’ European Council for the leaders of Member States to agree a European budget. An agreement on the budget is critical to progress being made on CAP.
“There is reasonable expectation that a deal on the CAP will still be achieved during the Irish presidency. There won’t be enough time to implement new rules by 2014 so we expect changes in direct support arrangements for Scotland’s farmers to commence from 2015 onwards.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.