Irish meat supplier, Dawn Meats has implemented an Integrated Checker service for verifying supplier Red Tractor assurance claims for beef.

Working in partnership with Edinburgh-based tech firm everysite and food industry solutions provider Hellenic Systems, Dawn Meats’ new system can check the Red Tractor 90 day rule for each individual animal by directly querying the Red Tractor database, securely and in real time, saving time and preventing costly errors.

Philippa Wiltshire

Philippa Wiltshire from Red Tractor.

The system works by scanning the animal passport at the lairage and ensures that all farms listed on the passport are checked for Red Tractor Assurance status in a real time ‘look up’.

It also checks the assurance status of markets each animal has passed through, adding further resilience to the verification of assurance claims being made by suppliers.

Additionally, the system helps ensure that individual customer requirements for a maximum number of movements in the chain can be easily verified, and is an important step forward in helping reduce the risk of food fraud.

Nick O’Toole, Dawn Meats UK IT manager said: “The new Integrated Checker service is saving us significant amounts of manpower checking assurance across five sites. It also helps us meet our customers’ supply chain requirements and those of the BRC Global Food Standard for proactively managing our supply chain.”

Philippa Wiltshire of Red Tractor added: “We are delighted that this service has been developed as the industry has been calling for a quick and accurate electronic way to verify the Red Tractor assurance status of animals for a number of years.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.