East Yorkshire family owned poultry business, T. Soanes & Son has launched a new range in response to growing consumer demand for wild game.

T Soanes & Son, general manger, Nigel Upson.

T Soanes & Son, general manger, Nigel Upson.

Following Mintel's report, Fifty, which identified British game as one of the world's top 50 consumer growth markets as sales grew by nine per cent to almost £1 million in 2013/14 against a declining market for mainstream red meats, T Soanes & Son has now formed a partnership with game processor, Gourmet Game.

T Soanes and Son’s general manager, Nigel Upson said: "We decided to review our game offering in light of increased consumer demand and have formed a strategic partnership with respected Lincolnshire game processor, Gourmet Game, to increase our product range.

"Venison is the key driver in the sales growth, but the fact that many more UK consumers have expressed an interest in trying game than have in the past is very encouraging and highlights the significant growth potential in this sector."

T.Soanes & Son's new game range includes red deer, roe deer and muntjac venison, rabbit and hare, grouse, partridge and pheasant plus duck and pigeon.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
