Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) have released two booklets of festive recipes using local PGI Welsh Lamb and PGI Welsh Beef, now available in local butcher shops.

HCC22068 Festive Favourite Recipes with Focus on Family Budgets hit Welsh Butchers Shops 1

The recipes include hints on how to make meals go further, reduce energy use in cooking and meal planning and use less expensive but tasty cuts of meat.

As well as being available in shops which are members of HCC’s Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef Butchers’ Club, the recipes have also been distributed at events such as the Portmeirion Food and Craft Fair and Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Builth.

HCC brand marketing executive, Philippa Gill said: “With the cost of living rising, it can be a challenge to know where to cut costs and how to budget accordingly. However, our health and wellbeing should always be top priority. Nutritious food is essential for good health, and we should always strive to eat well and buy the best food we can afford.

“By adapting the way we plan, cook and shop for our meals, it is possible to save money and time, making the most of nutritious and delicious food in our diet such as Welsh Lamb and Welsh Beef. Our new point-of sale marketing material, as well as the eatwelshlambandwelshbeef.com website, has a wealth of tips and advice.

“Practical recipes such as our Welsh Beef Madras and Welsh Lamb Fajitas went down very well at recent food events, with many consumers saying they’d be cooking them as festive winter warmers!”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
