A guide to the nutritional benefits of lamb by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) has produced new research on consumer preferences.

HCC21010 British Shoppers Find Love For Lamb in 2020 copy

The guide was produced by the HCC’s Welsh Lamb Meat Quality Project, part of a five-year Red Meat Development Programme, funded by the EU and Welsh Government. The project seeks to ensure Welsh lamb retains its worldwide reputation by studying consumers’ preferences and through scientific analysis of a variety of lamb samples.

Analysis of the nutritional composition of Welsh lamb was carried out by the project – including from various cuts and lambs fed on different diets – to ascertain the levels of iron, zinc and amino acids.

The publication, using this new research, gives advice on government healthy eating guidelines for meat, and how best to cook lamb.

"A useful asset"

Project leader Dr. Eleri Thomas said: “Our work on Welsh lamb and nutrition through the project so far has shed interesting new light on the presence of essential amino acids and other nutrients in lamb, and how they may be impacted by factors such as lambs’ diets on farm.

“I’m pleased that this work has helped inform a publication for a wider audience. The Nutrition of Lamb is in line with government guidelines and was produced with input from a registered dietitian, so should be of interest to consumers, health professionals and teachers alike.”

Thomas added that the guide would also be “a useful asset” for the project’s ongoing programme of consumer taste panels. The project leader further stated that the research will “help our sector to understand what factors impact on the eating quality of lamb, and how we can best meet the needs of the modern shopper.”

The booklet is available to download from the HCC website.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
