The Scottish red meat industry, including Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) chief executive, Alan Clarke, voiced its concerns over the safeguarding of Scottish farming standards in any future trade deals.

Alan Clarke QMS

QMS chief executive Alan Clarke.

The industry had an opportunity to express its concerns relating to the UK Government’s Agriculture Bill during an Agriculture Public Bill Committee oral evidence session.

Ahead of undertaking a detailed line by line examination of the Bill, the members of the Public Bill Committee asked Alan Clarke to discuss a range of topics which also included levy redistribution.

During the meeting, Clarke emphasised the need to make progress on each of these issues and called for the Committee to set a date for a long-term solution to the problem of lost levy.

“The Scottish red meat industry continues to miss out on around £1.2m of Scottish producer levy per year which is trapped in England,” said Mr Clarke.

“Although the interim solution, whereby £2m of red meat levies has been ring-fenced for collaborative projects across Scotland, England and Wales, has been working well, this does not reflect the amount of money the Scottish industry is losing south of the border.

“Levy repatriation would make a substantial difference to the activity QMS undertakes to promote and protect the Scottish red meat industry and further market the Scotch Beef PGI, Scotch Lamb PGI and Specially Selected Pork brands.”

“The Scottish red meat industry continues to miss out on around £1.2m of Scottish producer levy per year which is trapped in England,"

Clarke also stressed to the Committee that the effect of allowing imports which are produced to lower welfare and sustainability standards would have a disastrous effect on the Scottish red meat industry.

“The Scots were pioneers of whole-of-life, whole-of-supply chain quality assurance and that gives a unique selling point to our products of Scotch Beef PGI, Scotch Lamb PGI and Specially Selected Pork,” said Mr Clarke.

“Our brands are underpinned by world-class production methods, animal welfare, traceability and sustainability standards, so it is essential that sub-standard imported beef, lamb and pork, which would be illegal to produce here, are not allowed to have a place on our supermarket shelves.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
