The next generation of sheep farmers are calling on the next generation of shoppers to put lamb back on plates across Britain through the promotional campaign, Love Lamb Week.

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Young farmers involved in Love Lamb Week.

It has been reported that, over the past 15 years, fewer people have been regularly lamb and with people aged 55 years and over making up a large proportion of the market, time is ticking before this product goes out of fashion.

Now, 12 young sheep farmers and shepherds, who care for flocks across the country, are championing Love Lamb Week to inspire consumers and demonstrate how tasty, healthy and easy it is to cook.

Love Lamb Week, now in its third year, runs from 1st to 7th September and is organised by farming organisations, the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), the National Sheep Association (NSA) and supported by the National Farmers’ Union (NFU).

Thomas Vickers, a 23-year-old upland sheep farmer from County Durham, commented: “We want to make sure that delicious lamb isn’t on its last leg with young consumers.

“Whether grazing our moorlands, maintaining our marshlands or looking after our lowlands, sheep are very much a part of our British identity. The different landscapes in which sheep are raised means that almost every time you buy lamb, you’re buying an artisan product packed with flavour and nourishment.”

While the campaign is championed by young sheep farmers and shepherds, there is also the opportunity for the country’s retailers, restauranteurs and butchers to remind consumers how lovely lamb is.

Chef Chris Wheeler said: “Lamb is one of the tastiest and flavoursome sources of protein and iron. It can be cooked in a variety of ways, adding a British touch to a middle-eastern dish, starring as a tasty burger or bringing balance to a spicy curry. It’s much more than a Sunday roast or an Easter treat. Lamb can be part of the menu any day of the week.”

Representing sheep farmers across the UK, Phil Stocker, NSA chief executive, said: “A strategically planned Love Lamb Week is a brilliant way to bring focus to many existing lamb promotional activities.

“NSA is pleased to be working with AHDB to drive activity on social media, encourage local and farm-based events and target media in the lead up and during the week to point consumers in the direction of lamb during its peak season.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
