The latest data from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) shows that GB liveweight old season lamb standard quality quotation (OSL SQQ) remained steady for the week ending 20th April, dropping only 0.12p to 276.20p/kg.

lamb exports MM

Auction Market throughputs totalled 96,600 head, down 26% from the week before due to a shortened week for the Easter holiday.

For the week ending 16th April, the GB deadweight OSL SQQ was 595.40p/kg. This was up 2.5p from the week previous.

Cull ewe prices saw a minor increase at auction, averaging £115.88/head for the week ending 20th April, as demand continues for Ramadan.

Estimated slaughter was at 201,600 head, down 16% on the week before due to a short week for the Easter holiday, and the week previous being the peak Easter kill.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.