Following last year’s ‘Meat Skills’ workshops for food and nutrition teachers which was reported a huge success, the Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC) welcomed participants to Loughry College on Monday 17th June to mark the beginning of another series of workshops.
The aim behind these workshops is to help develop the skills and confidence of food and nutrition teachers when working with Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured (NIFQA) beef and lamb and teaching about the importance of the NIBL FQA scheme.
During the workshop, which was hosted in conjunction with the Food Teachers’ Centre (FTC) with red meat supplied by ABP Food Group, teachers had the opportunity to cook a number of beef and lamb recipes relevant for all Key Stages but particularly focused on the GCSE and A Level curriculum.
Commenting on the initiative, Cherrie Kenny, LMC’s education services manager said: “We received such great feedback from last year’s workshops and we’re so pleased to be able to facilitate them again this year.
“Over the past 20 years LMC has been heavily involved with post-primary schools through our school cookery demonstrations which help to educate pupils about preparing and cooking NIFQA beef and lamb.
“It’s important to now be able to turn our attention to the Food and Nutrition teachers and provide them with the skills to reinforce the learning and support of pupils across Northern Ireland.
“Teachers who choose to attend these workshops will learn how to prepare, handle and cook with NIFQA beef and lamb as well as how to present dishes attractively.
“They will also learn about the role of beef and lamb as part of a healthy, balanced diet and will explore the importance of the NIFQA scheme in producing sustainable, traceable and quality assured produce. I have no doubt that everyone who attends will find the workshops informative and supportive.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.