The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is calling on processors, retailers and levy bodies to look at new and innovative ways of marketing beef and lamb.

Relevant stakeholders from across the supply chain will sit down together for the first time at an industry summit, called by the NFU livestock board, to discuss how best to promote red meat.

NFU chief livestock adviser John Royle said it was important for the NFU to lobby others to spend money effectively for the good of the industry.

“We all need to better understand our roles, what works and how we can all better support the various campaigns & promotional activity,” Royle said. “We will examine how we can reduce duplication and identify any gaps, find out if through promotion of new and innovative products we can drive consumer demand.

“By working together to

better understand how promotional activity is best used on an industry scale, it is hoped we can help improve returns for the many hard pressed livestock producers who have experienced a difficult year with low farm gate prices and uncertainty within the market.

“We all know that British beef and lamb are quality products. I believe our industry can be more joined up when it comes to promoting red meat to the market place and help secure more sales, both at home and abroad.

“Anything which can showcase British farming and livestock farmers, not just for the food they produce, but for the value the British farming industry adds to the economy, employment and our beautiful and diverse countryside is a step in the right direction,” Royle added. “We hope this meeting will help bring together those of us with an interest in building a long term sustainable beef and lamb industry to develop ideas that resonate with consumers.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
