The National Farmers' Union (NFU) of Cymru and the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) are calling on the Welsh Government to ensure red meat production is fully recognised in the design of future agricultural policy.

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There are calls on the Welsh Government to ensure red meat production is fully recognised.

The two organisations joined forces at this year’s Royal Welsh Show, with NFU Cymru president John Davies commenting on how livestock production plays a crucial role in Wales, from enhancing the landscape and boosting tourism, to sustaining rural communities.

Davies stated he believes the NFU is fortunate to have ‘world leading’ red meat processing facilities based in Wales, providing significant employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly, in rural and urban areas of Wales.

He concluded: “It is imperative that future agricultural policy recognises this and maintains food production at its core.”

Nick Allen, chief executive of BMPA, talked about how BMPA must be confident about having a guaranteed long term supply of beef and lamb from Wales.

Allen added: “We note that the Welsh Government consultation proposes to introduce a new public goods scheme in Wales, we would support this as part of a future comprehensive agricultural policy for Wales but it is crucial that this is done in a way that avoids a squeeze on domestic food production.”

Allen believes there is a risk that, post-Brexit, meat will be imported from wherever it is cheapest to produce around the world.

Commenting on the risk, he added: “Whilst the UK must have some level of imports to meet demand at certain times of year, flooding the market with low quality, cheap produce from abroad will quickly undermine our domestic capability to produce food, risk price volatility and food security.”

In a shared comment from both Davies and Allen, the pair discuss their shared ambition for Wales to be a ‘world leading producing and processing country of red meat’.

They conclude: “We want to ensure that the desire of the consumer to have affordable supplies of high quality, fully traceable food is delivered by the Welsh red meat supply chain.

“We are calling on Welsh Government to share our vison and to work with us to deliver policies that see us build and grow the market for PGI Welsh Lamb and Beef.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.