National Farmers’ Union (NFU) Scotland is calling on members to visit supermarkets and record what pork is available on shelves, to understand how much UK pork is being offered.

NFU Scotlands pork shelf watch will establish which supermarkets are standing by British pig farmers

The Union said that the ‘pork shelf watch’, which is running from 27th November to 5th December, will help the organisation to gain “a clear snapshot” of which supermarkets are “strongly supporting our pig farmers.”

NFU Scotland said that pig farmers are experiencing “particularly difficult times”. According to the trade body, the problems affecting throughput in the processing sector include:

  • low staffing levels throughout the whole chain
  • high input costs on farms
  • poor prices globally
  • a lack of equivalent controls and checks on EU product coming into the market.

Checking retailer pledges

NFU Scotland’s pigs policy manager Penny Middleton said: “Retailers have been keen to express their support for the sector with pledges not to undercut the market with cheap imports and NFUS wants members to help check that retailers are indeed standing by their word.”

Members can record their results via an online survey on the NFU Scotland website or email the details to The survey link and more information about what to include in emailed results can be found here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.