Nick Allen, AHDB’s market development director, is leaving to take up a new role as chief executive of the British Meat Processors’ Association (BMPA).

Nick Allen

Nick Allen, ADHB's market development director, has been appointed chief executive of the BMPA.

Allen, who currently heads up AHDB’s export, marketing and education teams, has spent almost 20 years in the red meat sector. He joined AHDB’s predecessor the Meat and Livestock Commission (MLC) in 1998 and subsequently went on to lead the regional manager team at the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX), becoming director of EBLEX in 2009.

He said: “I am really looking forward to the new challenge. For the first time in 40 years, the UK is now writing its own UK food strategy and it is important the meat industry and BMPA both play their part in shaping and developing that strategy.

“The meat sector is an important part of the UK economy, creating jobs, generating exports, and helping the economy grow. It plays a vital role in giving the consumer a quality product admired all over the world.

“AHDB now has a new vision and strategy which is supported by a great team of people. Staff are working incredibly hard to develop those all-important opportunities post Brexit for farmers, growers and the supply chain.

“It has been a privilege to work at AHDB, and I look forward to continuing to work with AHDB - albeit in a different capacity.”

Jane King, AHDB’s chief executive, paid tribute to Allen’s work on behalf of farmers and growers: “Nick has been instrumental in bringing together AHDB’s export and market development staff into a strong and effective team which will be critical in helping the industry navigate the opportunities posed by Brexit. We wish him well in his new role.”

Peter Mitchell, BMPA president, added: “I am delighted Nick will be joining us as our new chief executive. He brings with him a wealth of experience and will be joining the organisation at an exciting and challenging time for the meat sector.

“The council and I are looking forward to working with Nick over the coming months as he seeks to engage with the membership and provide strategic leadership to the BMPA.”

Allen will take up his new post in mid-February. Christine Watts, AHDB’s chief officer for communications and market development, will assume responsibility for the market development director role on a temporary basis.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.