The National Pig Association (NPA) has issued a response to the stories in the media that are suggesting that British pig farms are at the centre of a ‘cruel horse hormone torture scandal’.

The stories refer to what is described as ‘horrific vampire farms’ in South Africa where blood is extracted from horses for use in meat production.

Generic pig.

The National Pig Association has responded to stories claiming horse blood is used in meat production.

The reports go on to claim that meat sold in Britain comes from these animals that have been given the hormone, which is known as Pregnant Mare’s Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG).

The article, which was first seen on the front cover of the Mirror, claimed that PMSG is used ‘mainly in pigs but also sheep and cows’. However the article does acknowledge that it is unclear how widespread the use of the hormone is in the UK.

The NPA has voiced that it understands the concern over the conditions on South African horse farms and has stressed that the use of the product is not standard practice on pig farms in the UK.

NPA chief executive, Zoe Davies, said: “We are aware that a small number of products containing PMSG are authorised for use in pigs in the UK for the induction and synchronisation of oestrus.

“However, from extensive enquiries our understanding is that these products are used very little, if at all, in UK pig production as good management such as boar presence, sow nutrition and proper lighting means that sows naturally return to oestrus after weaning which negates the need to use them.

“It is also important to stress that, as an oestrus synchronisation product for breeding pigs, it would never be used in pigs destined for meat.

“Despite suggestions in the media that this is a story about British pig meat, we want to make it clear use of the product is not by any means standard practice in the UK.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.