All Hygiene & Safety articles
FMD outbreak reported in cattle in Hungary
The World Organisation for Animal Health has reported an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in a dairy cattle herd in Hungary.
FSA launches regulatory programme for cultivated meat
The Food Standards Agency has announced the launch of a new regulatory programme for cultivated meat.
FSA webinar to assess bird flu risk in UK beef
The Food Standards Agency is set to host an online seminar covering the risks of bird flu in beef and dairy.
Tighter import controls needed for biosecurity
BMPA CEO Nick Allen says that all meat imports from Germany should have been halted immediately following the announcement of the FMD case.
Bird flu housing order comes into force in Northern Ireland
DAERA has initiated disease control measures across Northern Ireland following suspicion of a HPAI case at a commercial poultry premises in County Tyrone.
Bird flu housing measures extended further
According to Defra, the avian influenza housing measures will be extended to “mitigate the risk of further outbreaks of the disease”.
Efra inquiry to examine biosecurity controls following industry concerns
Efra has called for evidence to examine biosecurity measures for animal imports to the UK.
Bird flu protection zone extended across England
Government has placed all of England under additional Avian Influenza Protection Zones, mandating enhanced biosecurity as industry calls for stricter measures.
Call for personal meat product imports ban to prevent FMD spread
AIMS has issued an urgent call for the UK Government to implement a comprehensive ban on all personal imports of meat products derived from pigs and ruminants.
Water buffalo FMD outbreak halts German meat exports to the UK
An outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in a water buffalo herd in Germany has placed a stop to German meat exports to Great Britain.
APHA invests £200m in new facility to protect food chain from disease
Government has announced that the country’s fight against animal disease is to be bolstered with a £200 million pound investment in the UK’s main research and laboratory testing facility.
Five arrested as part of FSA food crime investigation
FSA’s National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) officers, together with police, attended a location in London recently where they discovered unrefrigerated vans containing 48 sheep carcasses.
Chesterfield Poultry advances inspection standards with newly qualified PIAs
Chesterfield Poultry has made “significant strides” in its operations by transitioning from FSA meat inspectors to its own team of Plant Inspection Assistants (PIAs).
FSA appoints businesses to supply vets and meat inspectors
The Food Standards Agency has appointed Eville and Jones and Hallmark Meat Hygiene to supply vets and meat inspectors for the delivery of Official Controls in meat plants.
AIMS finds ‘Our Food 2023’ report “misleading”
AIMS has said it “strongly disagrees” with recent claims from the FSA and FSS that food standards will drop without the constant presence of veterinarians in meat establishments.
AIMS requests Government funding for ASF testing on behalf of Ukraine
AIMS along with Mykola Babenko, CEO of the MIA in Ukraine, has called on Baroness Hayman to provide the Ukrainian pig industry with Government funding.
NSA calls for urgent Government action on illegal sheep imports
NSA is calling for “decisive Government action” to address the rise in illegal sheep meat imports.
Isle of Man Meats disposes of £40,000 worth of meat
Isle of Man Meats has reportedly thrown away around £40,000 worth of meat after a freezer failure.
Poultry business fined after faking disease certificates
A poultry business has received a £50,000 fine for falsifying Salmonella testing certificates.
FSA says meat from Kent cutting plant "may be unsafe"
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced that products supplied by a Kent cutting plant should be removed from the market because of "food safety concerns".The FSA has asked businesses stocking Block and Cleaver meat products to recall them from sale. | Picture: ING Images.The Block and Cleaver cutting plant ...