At the June Court Lunch of The Worshipful Company of Butchers, it was revealed that past Master, Margaret Boanas is to receive an honorary degree from Harper Adams University.

Margaret Boanas Master of WCB

WCB past master Margaret Boanas.

The announcement was made by Harper’s vice-chancellor, Professor Ken Sloane.

The support offered by Margaret and the Worshipful Company has been described as ‘invaluable’ by Harper Adams lecturers, with five Masters of Research (MRes) posts currently funded at the University through initiatives which began during her tenure as Master.

Margaret has worked in the industry since 1974 and her other achievements are many. In addition to be being a recipient of the Meat Business Woman of the Year Award and the third woman to be a Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB) she is chairman of the International Meat Association, a former vice president of the European Meat Trade Association and has raised the profile of the WCB and championed one of the Livery’s nominated charities, Farms For City Children.

Andrew Parker, current Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, said: “We are delighted that Margaret has received this distinguished award from Harper Adams University.

“We are keen that relations between the WCB and Harper will grow from strength to strength.”

And speaking after the presentation, Margaret Boanas added: “‘I am deeply honoured to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Harper Adams University. It came as a complete surprise!

“I have such respect for the achievements of Harper and the enormous contribution it is making to our industry, as well as to education and research in the land-based sector in general. My great thanks to Ken Sloan as Vice-Chancellor, and others who were involved in deciding to honour me in this way.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.