According to the National Pig Association (NPA), British pig producers have a bright future outside the European Union, despite the many uncertainties ahead.


The NPA is confident the inroads British pork has made into world markets over the past two years will continue.

A statement from the NPA commented: “Key among British pork’s sales assets in global markets, particularly China, are its rigorous safety and regulatory credentials, its high welfare characteristics, and its ability to provide different genetics for different price points ranging from modern indoor production to straw-barns to outdoor-reared and outdoor free-range.

“British pork’s safety and regulatory credentials are underpinned by regular Red Tractor and RSPCA Assured audits. And its unique welfare proposition includes no castration, no gestation stalls, and independent Real Welfare audits where vets score pigs for welfare indicators,” the statement read.

NPA chief executive, Dr Zoe Davies, added: “As an association, we may be sceptical about a bonfire of regulation, but

NPA chief executive, Dr Zoe Davies.

NPA chief executive, Dr Zoe Davies.

we share our Brexit members’ belief in the resilience of our industry and the specialness of its product.”

An industry poll conducted between 25th and 27th June, revealed that pig producers voted roughly in line with the rest of the country, with around 54% wanting Brexit.

The poll saw 45 producers, nine allied trades and seven ‘others’ take part. Of those who voted in favour of Brexit, nearly half claimed to be more confident about the pig industry post-result than they were before they voted. Less red-tape and potentially less continental pork on the domestic market were reasons given for their optimism.

Of those who voted to remain, two thirds were downbeat about the effects Brexit would have on the future fortunes of the British pig sector.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
