An exclusive opinion poll, commissioned to market research specialists BMG Research by Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) , has suggested that most people in Britain are mistaken about how much fresh red meat they should be eating.

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Official government guidelines on healthy diets say that adults can eat 500g a week of cooked red meat (such as beef, pork or lamb), or an average 70g a day.

However, the poll shows that 53% of people think that the recommended intake is half that figure.

The findings have prompted some nutritional experts to question whether media coverage urging people to cut down on their meat consumption may have gone too far and point out that some groups in society are deficient in the key nutrients that red meat can provide – such as Iron, Zinc and Vitamin B12.

Independent nutritionist, Dr. Zoë Harcombe, said: “Red meat is so nutrient dense that we should be embracing it at any opportunity. A 150g steak would provide half the daily zinc requirement, while making an excellent contribution to our B vitamin (mood, memory & muscles) and iron intakes.

“With iron being the world's most widespread nutrient deficiency, we restrict red meat at our peril, girls and women especially, as our requirements are higher.”

HCC19035 People May be Cutting Back Too Much on Red Meat Poll Reveals

Shane Williams joins HCC’s Elwen Roberts to promote the health benefits of Welsh Lamb.

HCC’s opinion poll did, however, show that most adults are aware of some of the most important nutrients that can be obtained from lamb, beef and pork.

72% of respondents correctly identified that red meat was high in protein, which can support growth and maintenance of muscles, and 56% knew that it was a source of iron, which is an essential mineral required to help the red blood cells transport oxygen to the rest of the body and also assists in energy production.

HCC consumer executive Elwen Roberts said: “HCC’s campaigns always encourage consumers to get the right facts on what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet.

“We will continue to emphasise the positive contribution that lean Welsh Lamb, Welsh Beef and pork in moderation can bring to the diet of all demographic groups. The nutrients they contain are easily absorbed by the body, and have been proven to support mental health performance, fight tiredness and boost the immune system.

“Our recent consumer campaigns have tried to drive home this message by working with leading sports stars such as Shane Williams and Elinor Snowsill to emphasise the high protein content in red meat, and its suitability as part of the diet of people with active lifestyles.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
