The latest £2.5 million phase of the AHDB ‘Pick Pork’ advertising campaign will hit TV screens from Monday (17th September), encouraging younger people to purchase pork.

The campaign aims to increase consumers’ culinary confidence with quick and easy-to-prepare cuts, along with harnessing the power of social media influencers.

Pork End Frame Image

A still frame taken from AHDB's Pick Pork Medallions advert in 2017.

Research has shown that only one in five people know how to cook more than three pork dishes.

To change that, influential cooks including Indian food specialist Hari Ghotra, Asian food experts The Dumpling Sisters - Amy & Julie Zhang, and family orientated foodies Taming Twin’s Sarah Barnes and A Mummy Too’s Emily Leary, will share recipes and cooking tips to inspire shoppers.

Managing the latest phase of the campaign, AHDB’s head of meat marketing Liam Byrne said: “We’re out to change shoppers’ perception of pork, putting more on plates through the week.

“We know if people don’t have the confidence to cook pork, with easy recipes to choose from, they simply won’t. We’re using a number of methods to change that.

“The new Pick Pork campaign runs from TV screens through to shops, with retailer support recognised as an important step early on.”

Research from Kantar Worldpanel showed the first AHDB campaign delivered revenue of £13.2 million, with £6.43 of extra retail sales generated for each £1 of marketing media spend.

Andy Napthine, group marketing controller at Cranswick, commented: “We’re proud of the pork we produce and I’m confident the Pick Pork campaign will inspire more people to cook pork as part of a healthy diet.

“Following the first phase of the campaign, we saw a significant improvement in people’s attitudes towards pork as part of their mid-week meals and that translated to sales, with nearly half a million more people buying pork during the campaign periods, compared to last year.

“New recipes promoted on packs in supermarkets and in local butcher’s shops should see people buying more loin steaks and medallions, as well as the more traditional cuts.”

To see the latest versions of the Pick Pork adverts visit

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
