According to AHDB, as of July 2023, primary pork - comprising steaks, roasting joints and mince - is no longer the best performing red meat, as consumers trade down to favour more affordable options in an attempt to save money.

Roast Leg of Pork with Pear and Sausage Stuffing Balls AHDB Copy

Primary pork’s retail performance has slipped and its YoY volume decline has outpaced beef.

The primary pork market value has grown 10.2% year-on-year (YoY) to £800 million according to Kantar data analysed by AHDB. However, trainee analyst Tom Price specifies that despite this performance, primary pork has lost its title of best performing red meat.

Primary pork's retail performance has slipped and its YoY volume has declined to outpace beef (Kantar, 52 w/e 9th July 2023).

AHDB trainee analyst, Tom Price said: “This comes as the cost-of-living crisis causes consumers to trade down to cheaper products like mince and sausages, and cheaper proteins like chicken, as well as limiting their meat consumption altogether in an attempt to save money.

"Consumers switching to primary chicken accounted for 26.2% of all primary pork volume losses YoY, as chicken is the cheapest protein on the market at £4.81/kg.

“Messaging on how pork can be used in tasty and affordable meals could help to boost sales. These are key points within AHDB’s Mix up Midweek campaign.”

He stressed that pork’s lower price point compared to other red meats stands it in a good position within the market, meaning that over the coming months primary pork’s retail volume declines could be limited when compared to beef and lamb. As cost-of-living concerns are predicted to continue into the festive period, AHDB suggested retailers could see increased demand for pork at Christmas as pork roasting joints are approximately 50% cheaper than that of beef and lamb.

Tom added: “Retailers looking to boost primary pork sales could also promote the health credentials of pork through highlighting how pork is high in protein, a source of zinc and B vitamins including B12. This could encourage consumers to purchase pork, especially when combined with messaging around primary pork’s affordability.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
