The product judging for the Food Management Today Industry Awards is underway at Harper Adams University with over 300 products being cooked, tried and tested by the judging panel.

Food product judging

Meat Management and Food Management Today editor, Pamela Brook is amongst the judging panel and said: “The response to the Awards has been tremendous, yet again. We have had entries from all the major multiples, food manufacturers, the foodservice and independent sectors. Once again the meat industry has done us proud and rallied to enter some excellent innovations."

“Once the votes and verdicts are all in we will be looking forward to a sell out Food Management Today Industry Awards Lunch at The Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington in London on 10th February 2016 when all the winners, finalists and highly commended will be revealed.”

The Awards ceremony will be hosted and presented by celebrity chef, Mark Hix. Tickets for the Awards lunch are selling fast so contact Emma Cash on 01908-613323 or download a booking form by clicking here.

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.
