The PTF have confirmed that it is looking to recruit a new director general with the pending departure of both Andrew Kuyk CBE and Angela Coleshill who currently, and jointly, head up the trade body.

ing handshake

PTF have explained that this ‘job share’ model was only ever intended as a temporary ‘bridging’ measure, although the additional resource it provided has proved invaluable given the additional challenges posed by Covid. However the PTF Council now believe that it is time to look for a new permanent successor in sole charge.

Andrew Kuyk fs

Current PTF director general, Andrew Kuyk.

The Provision Trade Federation (PTF) is a highly respected food industry body, representing processors and traders in a range of staple dairy, meat and fishery products, sourced from the UK, EU and international supply chains.

PTF also provides secretariat for the Specialist Cheesemakers Association (SCA) and the UK Seafood Industry Alliance (SIA). Collectively these products account for around 20% of UK household expenditure on food (around £24 billion a year) and support some 130,000 jobs. The Federation employs a small, long serving and dedicated executive team based in Clerkenwell, London.

Angela Coleshill said: “The PTF will be looking for a senior executive with board level credibility together with a background working in or with the food sector with a track-record in business management. Experience of media relations and effective communications will also be important.

“We need a DG who has a strong understanding of public affairs and can facilitate effective engagement with government. Excellent contacts, at the most senior level in the food and drink industry, including government, will be essential. Ideally experience of working with or alongside a membership-based organisation and an understanding of the commercial challenges that role brings will be ideal attributes.”

Current PTF chairman Rob Smith added: "Both our DG’s have done an outstanding job and these are big boots to fill. However it’s time now to revert back to our usual structure as we emerge from the Covid pandemic and appoint a new DG that can move the organisation forward post Brexit and help members deal with some of the unique problems facing the food industry.

“Representing members views at government level and, hopefully shaping views and policy, will remain central to our role. We want someone who can change events not just record them.”

The PTF is currently advertising the position. Anyone wishing to speak in confidence can contact Andrew Kuyk on 07826520808 or apply direct to

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.