Cypriot supermarket chain, AlphaMega has begun selling Quality Standard Mark (QSM) beef, meaning families on the island can purchase the product for the first time.
Jean-Pierre Garnier, export manager for AHDB Beef and Lamb, said: “We have had Quality Standard Mark beef in foodservice outlets in Cyprus for some time but this is the first time it has been in supermarkets – and the initial response has exceeded our expectations with a sizeable hike of meat overall sales and strong demand for QSM beef.
“Cyprus is a small but good market for our exported beef. It has a strong ex-pat community, holidaymakers and residents with a high net disposable income which means there is demand for the higher end cuts.
“It adds another destination to the growing portfolio of countries where we can sell domestically produced product to help underpin farmgate prices in England.”
TV promotion, in-store tasting and widespread advertising support were used as part of the marketing activity, which is expected to be repeated in September and before Christmas, following a full analysis of the initial results.
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.