Fresh and frozen Quality Standard Mark (QSM) British lamb is being launched in 50 premium supermarkets in Hong Kong this month and will be supported by in-store promotional activity.
It is the culmination of two years’ work by the AHDB Beef and Lamb export team and follows the successful launch of QSM beef in premium outlets in Hong Kong and in the foodservice sector in Macau.
Jean-Pierre Garnier, AHDB Beef and Lamb export manager said: “Exports are one of the cornerstones of AHDB Beef and Lamb’s work, helping fully utilise the carcase and maximising returns throughout the supply chain.
“We have an established market for QSM beef and lamb in the foodservice sector in the region. Launching pre-packed lamb in these premium retail outlets in Hong Kong for consumers is the next step in showcasing what we have to offer to a wider market. In addition, chilled organic lamb will be available to foodservice outlets to serve a growing market for these products.
“We’ve made great strides with our exports to the region, but there is still a lot of work to be done and there is a lot of competition from the US, Australia and Japan. The latest developments for lamb will, however, help us continue to build on the export platform we have established to date in these markets in the Far East.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.