The Livestock and Meat Commission for Northern Ireland (LMC) ‘Good Honest Food’ campaign has resulted in high recognition levels, says the organisation. Around 93% of consumers who had seen it are also reported as being aware of Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured (NIFQA) beef, and 88% of these consumers purchase beef regularly.

001 James Devine

James Devine features in the LMC 2022 campaign.

The positive news comes following the review of independent omnibus tracking data which explored the impact and reach of the Commission's recent advertising campaign.

Fronted by renowned local chef James Devine, the travelogue style advertising campaign honed in on the health and environmental benefits of NIFQA beef and lamb.

LMC marketing and communications manager Lauren Patterson confirmed the results, saying: "The public response to our advertising campaign has been overwhelmingly positive with 7 in 10 people (70%) who viewed the campaign stating that they were influenced by the messaging of the campaign.”

The campaign which was relaunched for a second burst in January this year, ran across TV, radio, outdoor and digital platforms for a period of three months, reaching 98% of adults in Northern Ireland. The campaign was seen more than 28.3 million times – delivering what LMC describe as “scientifically approved messages” in a consumer-friendly manner.

Patterson continued: "We are delighted to report that awareness of the advertising campaign was significantly higher than the UK average. Our tracking data has returned a 68% campaign awareness rate.

"Our unique multi-platform approach has led to almost twice as many people reporting to be 'influenced a lot' by this burst of the campaign, in comparison to the results gleaned from previous tracking data. This is a strong indication that the important messaging of the campaign is working to counteract sensationalist headlines around red meat consumption and helping promote the truth about beef and lamb.

"Of note is the rise in awareness across all platforms, with TV up 8 percentage points, radio up 5 percentage points, digital/social up 13 percentage points and outdoor up 14 percentage points. By tailoring the media plan on an annual basis LMC can ensure that the campaign is working to maximise impact and influence.”

Patterson also confirmed that plans are in place to relaunch the campaign for a third burst this autumn, with fresh assets and a drive to continue the growth of positive consumer perceptions.

She concluded: “With the third tranche of our advertising campaign we hope to further heighten consumer awareness of the world leading credentials of NIFQA beef and lamb. All the while, reinforcing positive messages about the eco-conscious farming methods NIFQA farmers employ to bring highly nutritional and versatile beef and lamb to consumers.

“By choosing beef and lamb with the NIFQA logo you are choosing world class produce with some of the lowest carbon footprints and highest welfare standards in the world.”

This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.