In a call for action, NFU Scotland has written to some of the UK’s largest retailers querying when they expect to exclusively stock home-produced lamb in their stores.
The major retailers in question include Tesco, Asda, Waitrose and Co-op.
While imported lamb has long been a feature on shop shelves, particularly at this time of year, farmers are reportedly frustrated and angered when they see some supermarkets continue to stock imported lamb well in to the period during which Scottish and UK lamb is in plentiful supply.
And it was for this reason that NFU Scotland’s livestock committee chairman Charlie Adam wrote to those major retailers who routinely sell imported lamb asking when they planned to switch to quality domestic lamb.
Adam also asked them to consider extending their season for buying home produced lamb.
In his letter to retailers, Adam stressed the Union’s willingness to continue to work closely with all supermarkets to build on the reputation for lamb produced in Scotland.
In recent years, NFU Scotland members have taken part in many consumer-facing events involving all major retailers, encouraging shoppers to try and buy more Scottish produce, including lamb.
Adam said: “Farmers are out lambing across Scotland right now, and they want to know there will be a reward for their hard work and a ready market for their produce.
“For those retailers who regularly stock imported lamb, we want to know when they are planning to switch to domestic lamb this year. We are urging them to work together with the industry to bolster the profile of our lamb.”
He added: “Extending their season for domestic lamb by a few weeks at the start or the end of the season would make a huge difference to Scottish sheep producers.”
Meanwhile Morrison’s, Lidl and Aldi have been thanked – in writing - for their consistent support for exclusively stocking domestic lamb all year round in their Scottish stores.
Adam commented: “Retailers like Morrisons, Lidl and Aldi show that a year round commitment to offering quality Scottish lamb is achievable, is valued by Scottish shoppers, and is something that we would want to see all retailers strive towards.”
This story was originally published on a previous version of the Meat Management website and so there may be some missing images and formatting issues.