The Princess Royal was guest of honour at a Farms for City Children Festival of Learning event staged at Butchers' Hall, London on 11th June, organised in partnership with the Worshipful Company of Butchers (WCB).

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HRH Princess Anne speaking with children at the FFCC Festival of Learning at Butchers' Hall.

The Princess Royal is the long standing Patron of the charity which was set up by War Horse author Sir Michael Morpurgo and his wife Lady Clare Morpurgo in 1975.

With a distinguished guest list including schools, charity organisations, social enterprises, trusts and foundations, patrons and VIP guests, the charity presented a promenade experience for visitors. This event highlighted the inspiring work delivered on its three heritage farms, benefitting around 3,300 underserved young people every year.

Assembling a network of partners, who have all collaborated with the charity to deliver projects, impact and evaluation research, and funding opportunities, the charity was able to show established supporters and prospective new partners the vibrancy and importance of their work.

By taking over the magnificent Great Hall at Butchers' Hall, the charity brought the three farms into central London, showcasing the many varied activities that children get to enjoy as part of their immersive residential week of ‘muck and magic.’

Produce grown in the gardens and polytunnels, demonstrations of livestock machinery, bee keeping, felt making and wool spinning, soil investigation and even a virtual reality experience of the Welsh farm, brought the Farms for City Children experience to life in London. Children gathered from schools across England and Wales to be entertained throughout the afternoon, taking the time to explain to Her Royal Highness and guests the transformative impact that their week on the farm has had on their lives.

Attendees enjoyed a Sizzling Sausage Tasting courtesy of Aubrey Allen, The Jolly Hog and Porky Whites Ltd, who supplied over 1,000 cocktail sausages, with sausage rolls also supplied by Aubrey Allen.

With almost 200 people in attendance, Donna Edmonds, the chief executive of Farms for City Children, described the occasion as “an immense success” and for many it provided the chance to meet one of the charities ambassadors JB Gill, together with HRH Princess Royal, who spent the afternoon engaging with children from the schools assembled, farm teams, volunteers, partners and invited guests, including the Master of the WCB Chris Wood.

WCB Master Chris Wood said: "It was truly wonderful to have so many people in the Hall, speaking with each other and finding out what the Charity is all about. It was a special day for all of us."

For more information about Farms for City Children go to: